Blues /rock: music recommendations?

I find that I really enjoy rock/pop that involves a lot of crossover into BLUES. I like all Dire Straits, but particularly "Brothers in Arms," as well as the Moody Blues. The CD I am currently listening to the most frequently is Steve Winwood's latest, "About Time," which exhibits strong blues influences.
There must be a number of other fine recordings in this rock/blues "genre", (if it qualifies as such!) that I am not aware of. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Allman Brothers Band, "Live at Fillmnore East". Get the new remastered CD, or vinyl, even better. Never beeen improved upon in the genre, to my knowledge.

If you like Dire Straits then you will love JJ Cale. Start out with his cd/album "Troubadour." You'll recognize some of his songs that were covered by various artists (After midnight, Cocaine, Traveling light, They call me the breeze). He is obviously a great writer but his musical arrangements are spectacular; part blues, part Chicago jazz, part Texas swing with wonderful guitar work on every song.
An up and coming blues star is Derick Trucks. He plays the slide with the Allman Bros. right now and also has his own band called the Derick Trucks Band. His band has a really cool sound. Allong with his slide work is a flute and some great percussions.
It occurs to me that all these recommendations don't do a hoot of good if you never get to listen to the tunage ... So (thanks to the wonders of modern technology), as a brief intro to RBBS you can click the following RBBS Amazon link and scroll down to "Listen to Samples" to hear snippets of the first 4-5 tracks using Real Player, Windows Media Player or whatever ... Personal faves are "Baby" (the minor hit) and "You & Me" following. Okay - so not as good as a listening booth experience, but it'll give you a taste.

Think I'll do that for all recommendations from now on.
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