Calling all indie rockers...

Is there anybody out there?

The whole idea of Hi-Fi doesn't particularly lend itself to the often low quality recordings in the indie rock world, but I'm a music lover, not a gear lover. And for me, the indie scene is responsible for most of the best music being made today (exceptions being Radiohead, Beck, Flaming Lips, and a few others). So, anybody up for a thread of their favorite indie albums of say, the last decade? Here's my quick list:

1. Sunny Day Real Estate - How it feels to be something on (Sub Pop, 1998)
2. Yo La Tengo - I can hear the heart beating as one (Matador, 1997)
3. Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (Matador, 2002)
4. Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun (Fat Cat, 2000)
5. Grandaddy - The Software Slump (V2, 2000) is V2 an indie?

Okay indie rockers, I know you're out there...
I like Mayday a lot. I can't describe them without using the word "country", but I hate to come in at that angle. Its indie rock, dark, lower income class music with ahemm, country influence. Good songs.
The new Pretty Girl Make Graves is pretty cool, Cat Power's You Are Free is one of the best albums ever, and I cant wait to hear the new Feist album. Interpol and Franz Ferdinand are good stuff too. Nice thread everyone, lots of stuff to check out.
Oh yeah and I bought In an Airplane over the Sea just this week, and its sweet too, not to mention Division of Laura Lee's Black City. Peace.