What is a good intro to "Mahler"?

I have not listened to any of Mahler's work, but I am a classical fan and would be interested in learning more about his work.

What do you recommed as a start-off symphony? Something with life and fire! Must have great sound and perdormance.

And finally, I am a vinyl fan. Need to have it in that format. Thanks all!

Rcprince is right, the Cisco is unlistenable, to put it bluntly. Why not get in touch with Mikrokosmos in Toronto. Peter Fueloep, the owner is a Mahler specialist and he deals in LPs an has got first class mechandise at very fair prices.
Thanks for the advice, unfortunately prior to reading this, I found a copy of Mahler's 5th from super analogue and purchased it. I was so happy to find a new copy that I didn't hesitate. Hopefully it wont be too bad. Of the Mahler recordings that are currently available on vinyl, which 2 or 3 would be the best bets?

From used specialist dealers you can probably find:
Mahler 3 Horenstein Unicorn pressing. Not Nonesuch.
Mahler 2 Klemperer EMI pressing NOT Angel.
Ethannnn, try also to get the Klemperer Mahler 4, available currently from the mail order dealers as one of the EMI reissues (Testament?). And hey, if your speakers don't go too far below 50hz, maybe the Cisco will be listenable?