Concord Jazz

Recently, Barne&Noble has a sell of CDs with Concord Records label at $3.99. I'm not familiar with Concord, but still picked up three since they are so cheap -

Dave Brubeck, Trotonis
Scott Hamilton, Organic Duke
Stan Getz, Live at the Glasgow International Jazz Festival

I popped them into my CD player - sound pretty good!
Now I'm asking for recommendation of good Concord recordings - performance and sonic and I'm planning to buy more. By the way, I'm more mellow jazz kind of guy.

Thanks in advance!

just came back from b&n w/14 cd's. these were made in europe for that market. many are not in the us catalog any longer. i'm going back tomorrow! for the price you cant go wrong. they have a lot of the maybeck hall series which were excellent as well as hollander, joanne bracken, marian mcpartland, adam makowicz, etc. go - enjoy. for 3.99 each what the hell.............
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I like "Like Minds" featuring Gary Burton (vibraphone), Chick Corea (piano), Pat Metheny (guitars), Roy Haynes (drums), and Dave Holland (bass). Sounds excellent, too.