Preamp for H20 Signature S250

Im looking for a good match for my Signature H20 S250, it should have an HT bypass with balanced input and output, tube or ss, wife loves movies so i have to please her. Currently im using Anthem AVM30 as my pre/pro, Tyler Linbrook Signature 2 piece speaker sytem as front and planning to biamp (already bought 2 S250), VH Audio Flavor 4 PC, Von schweikert speakers for surround and center, all components are in dedicated 20amp line. Thanks in advance for all your help.
Wow, nice preamp Rlf! I am sure that is a glorious combination!

I have spoken to a couple, perhaps a few that are using the Supratek preamps with the H2o's and are very happy.

I owned the First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II prior to driving to Henry's and auditioning the H2o's with the Adcom GFP-750, Henry's "Fire" preamp, and my preamp I brought in tow. I personally felt my preamp easily "bested" the other two. As well it should with the price point differences taken into consideration as well. In all fairness, Henry was still tweaking his preamp, and I "hogged" the sweet spot when my preamp was in the system. I still wish I would have let Henry hear it from the sweet spot. Off axis listening is good for some areas and not for others.

I can attest the First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II is a phenominal combination with these amps, however they are not all the inexpensive with a retail of $4200 and improve with a better after market power cord. They are also rare to find on the used market.

I would look for a used Supratek or First Sound here on audiogon if you aren't in any hurry.

LoL - disregaurd all of that, I just reread your post. You need HT pass thru and balanced. Scratch the First Sound as they are all single ended. I too think the Suprateks are limited to perhaps one or two balanced options.

In your quest I would have the Aesthetix at the top of my list. I am not sure how the Synergy IIi would do, an excellent preamp, but I think it may be on the cool side, and the H2o is very neutral - liquid, but not warm. Perhaps BAT preamps would have HT and balanced as an option as well.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Forgot to mention, in my experience I felt the latter Sonic Frontiers gear, the 1, 2, etc. to be a bit too sterile. Yes, they employed tubes in their design, yet to me it was not discernable by listening. Too "untubelike" for me.

I would also mention the ARC line, perhaps an LS15 or LS25 ... I have owned the LS15 a few years back, perhaps not as euphoric as a Supratek or a BAT, however slightly on the warm side...

Again - good luck
If you go with the Calyspso, use balanced cables. See the measurement section of the July Stereophile review.

I'm not familiar with the H20's, so I'm not sure how much value my opinion offers. With all due respect to Audiofankj, it may just be that quality that I liked so much in the Sonic Frontiers 3. The SF line stages manage to maintain the harmonic integrity of tubes without the usual colorizations. Truly balanced, DC coupled, low output impedance, just the ticket to mate with solid state amps. From what I understand about these digital amps is that the quality that they seem to share is a transparent neutrality. I can't thnk of another tube line stage that could maintain those qualities better than the SF's.