Seeking opinions about Pass Labs 250.5 amp.

Just was wondering if you members who were waiting for your Pass Labs-250.5 amps had received them and what your opinion is of their sonics is in your system? I believe there were at least two or three GON members that had posted questions regarding this amp in the last couple of months, so it would be great to see what you now think. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to share.
Bo, sounds like you prefer the X.5 to the XA.5. How would you describe the difference? Thanks.
I could life with both to be honnest. I prefer the extra drive and speed. The highs of the x series sounds a little more open. With the Onkyo PR-SC5509 I can drive Pass Labs poweramps a little more efficient than with the XP-20. The needle starts later to move. With the X600.5 I Always will drive in class A. Even wenn I play at high volumes. The overwhole sound I have now is already warm. Wenn I played with the XA100.5 and XP-20 I used the Valhalla loudspeakercable and the Meridian 800DAXv4. With the X250.5 and Audioquest Redwood 2013, Purist Audio 2013 limited powercable , Audioquest Wild blue Yonder new xlr and Olive 06HD I have a much warmer sound. I do not need the extra warmth of the XA series. In my situation the X series is a better option. The extra drive and speed is so addictive!!
I own the X250.5 and previously owned the X250. It is an outstanding amp for its price. It has a wide and deep soundstage, tonality of instructions appear natural, voices are presented with a presense that almost feels alive, the midrange just sounds right. It has a very deep base not as well controlled as for example the Krell evo2250e but very natural in sound. The amp will benefit from the right cables and power cords make a huge difference in the presentation and performance. It runs a bit hot and needs good ventilation. It would not be my first choice for a home theater application.
Ok, I have this question; is the X350.5 much better or just a bit better than the X250.5. I do see that the X350.5 uses much bigger caps and has a bigger transformer than the X250.5. So I would think that it would be more transparent and dynamic.
The X350.5 has more class A watts. More drive and control compared to the X250.5. The stage is also bigger. It also dpends on the speaker. But you hear the difference between the amps for sure. Also at lower volumes there will be more weight and control. But now comes the funny thing; Wenn I bought the Purist Audio LE 2013 powercable I was stunned about the difference with a cheaper powercable of Purist with this one. I think wenn I would have used the 350.5 with a powercable of a few hundred dollars the 250.5 wiht the LE powercable would have played even better. Without the LE powercable you loose in the openness and extreme articulation of voices. So you can get a superior level out of a Pass Labs by using a different powercable. I heard many new things in wellknown recordings with the combination of the X250.5 and LE 2013 powercable. With the XA100.5 and XP-20 I did not have the level in articulation I know have. This is why I test and compare so often. Always to find the best sound possible. Wenn you are a perfectionist you Always look further and go on and on! I have a big drive to improve all the time.