Spectron Musician 3 First Impressions?

I just installed my Spectron Musician 3 into my system. I had a 2A3 amp powering 96db Epiphany 12/12s. Out of the box, ice cold, the Spectron was incredible! The tonality was spot on with the 2A3 tube amp! The harmonic structure was 85% of the tube amp, and this was with less than 4 hours on the Spectron! The Spectron bettered the 2A3 in 3 major ways: 1.) Increased detail with no loss of sweetness 2.) Deeper bass with more control, 3.) Both micro & macro dynamics! Spectron says it takes 3-4 weeks of 24/7 at medium volume before the amp sounds its best. Has anyone else had a chance to listen to this incredible amp?????

Note: I am not affiliated with Spectron.
OK, I say.

Just slam it with the power it deserves.

20 amp circuit and then power from your favorite PC.

You tell me.

I just got my Musician III SE and wow what can I say right out of the box compared to my BAT VK60 I used before ! I was so concerned about lossing the liquid mid, high and holographic imaging that BAT are well know of. But after I switched to the M3SE, I notice I am not loosing any of these but improved upon on all round. Of course, I do not have to mention anymore on the bass improvement.
Simon said, there may be an upgrade option in the future to upgrade to Vcaps just like the power pac upgrade option provided by BAT for their amp and preamp equipment. I am looking forward to see this will become available in the near future. May be more people showing interests to Simon for this option will make this come sooner !
Here is from review of Don Shaulis in Stereo Times:

"Some would describe the Spectron as “tube-like”. Tube fans would cry—No! The operative word here is “like”. While the Spectron does not have the full bloom (or exaggeration) of tube amplifiers, neither does it have the dry and clinical presentation of many solid-state amplifiers. What it does have is a well-balanced and even presentation with engaging warmth. I think of it as a neutral presentation with a smile. The top end is extended but not edgy or harsh. The middle range is full-bodied, detailed, and intimate. At the lower end there is power and control for remarkably solid, well-defined bass slam as well as the finesse to define an upright bass with all its subtleties and nuances. I found the soundstage to be spacious and deep but clearly defined and reflective of the respective recordings.

The Spectron virtually carves audio scrimshaw at all octaves while providing the power to drive difficult speaker loads with exceptional dynamic range. But dynamics without control is just “noise”. For all the dynamics displayed by the Spectron, it never ran wild or became harsh. It exhibited absolute control over my speakers where other amplifiers failed. I never experienced listener fatigue (if you don’t count the sleep lost by listening to more music instead of going to bed)."

I feel that this reviewer put in words exactly what I feel.
All The Best,