Parasound HCA-3500, Am I Crazy?

Hello to all,
I recently borrowed a friends Parasound HCA-3500 power amp just for the heck of it. [I was always curious how this amp sounded].
I unhooked my Parasound Halo JC-1's and hooked up the Parasound HCA-3500 in its place.
Much to my shock, there were some things that the 3500 seemed to do better than the JC-1's in my system:
The HCA-3500 actually sounded more transparent, open, and more extended on top than the JC-1's! This was especially true at lower volume levels.
The HCA-3500 also seemed to have a deeper soundstage, and a blacker background.
The JC-1's seemed superior in most other regards, however.
The JC-1's sounded smoother, cleaner, had slightly more body, more detail, and better bass control than the 3500.
The 3500 did sound a touch etched and slightly grainy, but it sure sounded damn clear, open, and transparent!
How could this be?
Anyone else out there experienced this?
Break-in is not an issue. My JC-1's have close to 1,800 hours on them.
I am just puzzled folks, thats all.
I just read the old January 2000 Stereophile review of the Parasound HCA-3500 the other day.
Bob Crump was right...they did measure pretty high levels of 2nd harmonic distortion, especially into lower impedances. This was also obvious by looking at most of the measurement diagrams.
The reviewer, Robert Deutsch, also commented on a "slightly forward sound, with a bit more upper-midrange/treble grain. These characteristics showed up as a somewhat etched quality on voices, massed strings, and the upper harmonics of trumpets, making the sound ever so slightly fatiguing over time." This was in comparison to the Rotel RB-1090.
I've only seen the Rotel part of the review. I can't find the Parasound portion online. As far as the RB-1090 goes, I think it's pretty good for the cost.

I am thinking about changing out the above mentioned International Rectifier Mosfets, mentioned above by Bob Crump, and replacing them with Harris or Fairchild Mosfets.
I could not find the part # that Mr. Crump mentioned.
Does anyone have this information and/or part number?
Also, could anyone tell me exactly where these Mosfets are located inside the amp?