Need some experienced ears to grow my system

Sources: Computer w/ M-AUDIO FIREWIRE 410 I/O
Panasonic 3800 DAT
(using Audio Magic Presto II digital cable (spdif)
plus cheap toslink)
Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24

PRE: Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24
(using Audio Magic Excaliber II IC's split at amp-ouch!)

AMP: Adcom GFA-555
(using old Audio Magic Excaliber or Sorcerer wires)

Speaks: B&W CDM9-NT

SUB: Velodyne Servo FSX_12
A tube pre-amp with a ss power amp will give you a warmer sound. J. Gordon Holt, at one time, thought that a tube pre with a ss power amp was the way to go. The bottom will remain tight, but the highs and mids sound less harsh. I have this set-up and have never thought about changing it.
While the 555 is indeed powerful it lacks finesse and is anything but liquid on top. The 555 11 was an improvement but still was and still is a good passive sub amp and not reccomemded for a smooth audio presentation . Start there , eveluate the synergy and go from there. There are too many good amps . My first suggestion is a gamut 200.
I recently had an opportunity to purchase a MF CD Pre 24 for about $900 (after splitting shipping and paypal), but the deal fell through due to miscommunication and somebody else picked it up instead.

I was wondering if the MF CD Pre is really worth the wait or is there another brand of CD/Pre combo out there I should be considering. Thanks for the input.