BAT preamp owners

I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to enlighten me on the differences between a vk 3i and vk 30 pre. I am thinking about adding some tubes to my system. I currently have an aragon 4004mk2 amp and altec lansing iconic horns. I sometimes switch out the aragon for a classe 10.
Any help would be appreciated. Also if you have switched to another pre please let me know. Thanks in advance, Larry
* living in cleveland no chance to demo.
The BAT preamps I have owned, 3, had a character that was more solid state than tubes.
I used to own a VK3i as well. I agree with Jbello in that it sounded less tubey than other tube preamps I've owned. I think some of that can be attributed to the 6922 tubes. This is neither good nor bad, it just depends on what sonic character you're looking for in a tube preamp.
Years ago I owned a 3i and won a contest on the Audio Revelation website in which the prize was a brand new VK-30. I was so excited about the new preamp that I committed the audiophile sin of selling my old component before the new one arrived. Big mistake. I never could get the 30 to sound as good as the 3i no matter what amount of tweaking and tube rolling I performed. I sold it after only a few weeks. There was an upper midrange glare that made it sound more like a SS preamp than a tube preamp.

BTW, if you aren't committed to having a remote controlled preamp, the Modulus 3A sounds much better than either BAT. It doesn't have all the features and frills, but it's a very good sounding preamp that can be had for a song on the Gon.
Well, since the bat's are getting mixed reviews ..any other suggestions in the $1200. used price range. Since I have never had tube equipment not sure what I expect from them..just thought I'd give them a try. Guess I'm after a slight warming of the sound but still would like clarity of each instrument and a wide soundstage..not asking for much!
thanks again for all the help
Actually, of all the tube preamps I've tried the VK3i best delivered the attributes you're seeking. I was just searching for a preamp that created music with more hips. A belly dancer, as opposed to an aerobics instructor.