Single ended Power amp recommendation

I just recently purchased a pair of SAP J-M2001 MKII and need to change my power amps. Currently using BAT-DK5 to Emotive Audio Sira LE and Conrad Johnson Premier 8A.
Since the SAP are horn speakers, I heard that it should be best with single ended poweramps w/ zero feedbacks. Any suggestion and recommendation?
I'm thinking to sell my Conrad Johnson Premier 8A so the budget should be around 5-6k.
I used to own a pair of Cary 805C which supposed to be one of the greatest single ended power amps. At that time, I didn't have the J2001MKII SAP speakers, but the JM Lab Utopia. I wasn't happy with the bass so I let them go. Now, I change the speakers (the SAP speaker is a horn speaker) and really regret about the amps. Ofcours, the Conrad Johnson Premier 8A are wonderful, but I assume they are overpower and not "sing" well with my speakers.
I never heard of the Berning before and not sure about these products....
I've been thinking about the wavelenght with low power, but famous for their clear, zero feedbacks, single ended class A. But they are too expensive. Any recommendation please? Budget can't be more than 5-6k since I can only sell/trade my Conrad Johnson Premier 8A for that price.
I own SAP J2001 (the big model with twin 12" woofers). This is a very easy speaker to drive -- high nominal impedance and 99 db efficient. I use to use a push-pull 45 tube amp that put out about 6 watts and that was sufficient. I now use a parallel single-ended 2a3 amp. However, both amps are out of your specified price range.

What don't you like about the CJ amps? I would not assume that they are unsuited to this speaker. However, if you are fishing around for alternatives to try with the J2001, I would focus on amps using the PX25, 45, 300B or 45 tubes. Single-ended 45s and 2a3s might be a bit short on power if you listen to demanding music at high volumes (e.g., large-scale choral music).

In the price range specified, used equipment would be the best bet (e.g., Art Audio PX25 amp).

This is a great speaker that somehow manages to sound musical with almost anything matched to it, while making any change none-the-less easily discernible.
Thanks for the input. Finally there are someone on board here that use the same speakers. I just ordered the J2001 MKII version. They are on the way to my listening room so I didn't have a chance to test out with the CJ Premier 8A yet. However, I think single ended would suit these speakers better, that's why I was intend to try something new. I'm listing my CJ Premier 8A for sell on audiogon right now, 6k+shipping. Got couple offers, but still thinking about what other amps would work.....
Also, most music I listen to do require power. Favorites music for me always are those big symphonies (e.g. Mahler, Shostakovich...)