Amp suggestions for audiophile virgin

HI, ya'll.
I searched the archives and got a few suggestions. But will throw the question out once more.
Long time studio engineer, so very familiar with all the studio gear, but know nothing about home listening gear.

Have just acquired a B&W 602 pair for speakers. Would like an amp or amp/preamp suggestion to pair with these for inputs from CD player and turntable (if possible).
Relatively small room, so volume not a big deal.
Would like to stay under $500- $750 or so if possible.

Thanks in advance, you guys have a cool site.
get something from ASL or Jolida with at least 30wpc for moderate volume levels. Get a used amp and you'll get more power for the money.
If it were me , I would go for an Integrated amp , Like a Classe 101, of which their are several available used here on Audiogon.