SS amp to mate with an Audio Research SP-16L

Just wanting some input into a powerful SS 2 ch amp that would mate with the SP-16L tube preamp from Audio Research. I would use this amp to also power the 2 front channels in my HT setting as well. I use a Myryad MDP500 G6 processor. Thanks for your help. Dave.

Wonderful suggestions! My 2ch/HT time spent is 75/25 respectively. Don't forget,any suggested amp needs to rise to the occasion of Home theatre as well as 2 channel. I use the bypass on my preamp. THanks again. Dave. I'm probably need an amp that can handle 150 wpc into 8 ohm load.
Canucks0- Long time 'goners know that for ss, I am a big fan of SMC-modded McCormacks. At $1500, you should be able to find a Level A or B+ moded DNA 1 @ 185 wpc, or an A+ 0.5 if you can get by at 100 wpc. Hard to imagine a better amp for the $, IM).
Canucks0- Have you thought about trying an Audio Research 100.2. This model was just recently discontinued. You can usually find one used for about $1800. This amp has long been considered the best solid state that audio research has ever produced. Many consider it to be the best out there under $5000. I think the synergy between your preamp and the 100.2 would be a great match. Just my 2 cents. Best-Gary