Calling all First Sound Preamp Owners

For those First Sound preamp owners, I'd like to know if you feel that using a line conditioner with it (either a power regenerator or passive filter) is superior to using just a power cord plugged directly into the wall socket, albiet a high quality power cord? I'm trying to decide which way to go and would appreciate your comments.

I have everything plugged into my Balanced Power Technologies BP-3.5 Signature - EXCEPT the First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II. This is a point Emmanuel Go was adamant about. When you first get the preamp, use the stock cord and tubes - straight into the wall while breaking in. Then experiment with power conditioners, cords, etc. after you are familiar with the preamp. After many comparisons, the First Sound preamp sounds best IMO going directly to the wall. (the dynamics and imaging seemed more compressed) This is the ONLY component I have owned that has NOT sounded better going through my balanced power conditioner. I do feel the aftermarket power cord has improved the performance of the preamp as well. I am using an Electraglide Mini Khan Plus at this time.

The greatest sonic improvement to the preamp was inserting NOS Siemens 7308 gold pin tubes.
try some audience power cords on your source and pre and amp....i think you'll be surprised.

start with one and add, it gets better and better and better.

Thank you all for your responses. I like the idea of starting with the stock cord and tubes so as to establish a "baseline" of sound for the unit before monkeying around with power cords / line conditioners. So the concensus is don't use a line conditioner but do try several high-end power cords (Shunyata, Audience, Electraglide, TG Audio etc.)

The wildcard here is the replacement of the tubes with the NOS Siemmens 7308 tubes but I hear that they are rare and one must purchase from a reputable dealer so as not to pay full price for a used tube. Where does one buy 7308 tubes from a reputable vendor?!?

You got it Kevin! I'm running the Audience PowerChord on my FS, and I think it's great. I haven't heard the other ones though, so I can't offer a comparison. Another PC that gets positive reviews is Virtual Dynamics' Nite cable.

As for tubes, I know Emmanuel likes the Siemens 7308 as shown above, but I personaly didn't care for them as much as some folks here. I really prefer the Amperex USN-CEP 7308s or the Philips E188CC SQs instead.