Help me Choose Integrated

Well like most people I dont have dealers to listen to all of this gear and A/B it. I would really appreciate some insight on this topic.

the choices:

Belles 250i

Rogue Tempest

Unison Unico ( w/ lvl 2 mods)

Pathos Classic One

I like all types of music.
I had a CARY SLi-80 in my hands... and loved everything but the bass.

I like smooth/liquid sounding high's that are still accruate and MID's that have lots of warmth and presence.
The SS bass impact is what was lacking from the CARY. I want the bass to be tight and I want to feel and hear the impact.

The speakers : Triangle NAIA
CDP: Ah! 4k w/ amprex or mullard
Interconnects: Grover Silver Ref.

Please help out..... this has been one hell of a task!
the Unico and Pathos are the current Front Runners. Has anyone a/b ed the two? If so, what are your thoughts?
Within the next couple of months, Jeff Rowland should release a sweet one that uses its latest amplification technology that you find the their amazing 201s and 302s amplifiers. It should be around $4k - don't hold me that price. For details, send them an email.
I take that back their new preamp, the Concerto, will cost $4k. I don't know about the new integrated.