I have a lack of depth in "soundstage".

System : Audionote SE oto , B&W CDM-1NT , Marantz CD player Paid $350.00 forget model #

Looking for an improvment soundstage "depth"
What type of room conditioning are you using?
How about brands of after market power cords, and methods of power conditioning?
I go to the symphony regularly and sit 8th row center. Live music actually has very little depth. It is mostly an audiophile thing (that I like.)

That said, not changing your equipment, I agree with Lak that the room and speaker placement are where I would start.

Live music has very little depth? I don't understand that at all. At the symphony hall I hear the violins in front with woodwinds behind them and horns behind that, that is the way it sounds to me and that is how I would define depth. I do think it's very important in live music as well as on a stereo system. Something is wrong if you aren't gettting a sence of depth on your system or in concert. I would also agree that the speaker placement would be the first place to look. Also if you have a TV or large object between your speakers that can severely impare your systems ability to portray depth.