Recommendations for tube amp to replace Plinius

I am driving a pair of Legacy Focus speakers with a Plinius 100 mk3. The Focus speakers have an impedance of 4 okms and a sensitivity of 96db. As such the speakers may be a good match for a tube amp. Any recommendations for a tube amp in the $2500.00 used market range? The rest of my system consists of the Placette passive pre-amp and a Cary 306/200 cd.
I'd try the Sonic Frontiers Power 2 I just happen to have listed. Shameless plu, and I'm willing to give you a more in budget price.
I have a pair of Focus 20/20 and use the EAR 534. It is 50 wpc and has rca/balanced inputs and also individual gain controls for each channel. It is a beautiful amp with a chrome front. It is also relatively maintenance free as tube amps go. It can also be mono. I have two of these amps and really only need one to drive these speakers. It retails for $3595 and I would sell you one of them for 1850 shipped.
In my opinion, you are not going to be able to move three 12" (or are they 14", I don't remember) woofers very well with a low powered tube amp. You won't get a whole lot of bass out of them, as they require tons of current. I lived with the Focus since 1990, and have just recently replaced them. I was very close to getting a Manley Stingray for them, until I heard the two together. Thin, but great midrange.
I have heard the Plinius SA-102 and thought it was a great sounding amp. How does the 100 compare?
Thanks for your feedback. 1markr makes a good point about the current needed to drive the woofers. I guess I don't understand the practical application of the sensitivity rating. I've never heard the Plinius 102. The Plinius is a great amp, very pristine and good across the whole spectral range(highs to lows) but at times I feel its too analytical and I was hoping a tube amp would romanticize my system a bit. I think the real issue is my fascination with the low powered set and triodes. even though I've never heard them, I feel I'm missing out on something.