Musical Fidelity A3 or Pass Labs Aleph 30

Due to my location I'm unable to audition both amplifier. I'm using a Triangle Titus in a 13x16 room, would prefer neutrality and/or purity of sound above anything else(got tired of the home theater stuff). Can anyone make a direct comparison between the two, or recommend a better amplifier around $1000-$1500 range(new or used), that will go well with the Titus.
I appreciate any/all inputs,
Thank you guys for all your input. I've made my choice, I'm going to get the Aleph.

Now, if only I can get a nice(inexpensive) tube pre-amp to warm it a little bit. Can i pair it with a tube pre-amp?

I'm thinking of a Decware ZSLA-1 a triode line stage pre-amp. Any input? Anything better?(no bells and wistles like Decware) around $500.

I don't think that you'll find the Aleph lacking in warmth, but more-so in bottom end extension and "slam". Sean

Tube preamp might not be a good idea
1. no need to add warmth to Aleph as mentioned by Sean
2. The output impedance of tube preamp normally is too high for Aleph!
My 2 cents !
CDMA: A VTL (2.5 or 5.5) has an output impedance of only 200 ohms. I'm using a 2.5 with the Aleph 30 which has in input of 47 kohms, putting you well w/in the 10/100 ratio. Enjoying the set up very much.
If the Aleph 30 has a rating of 47 kohms, what would be the optimum output impedance for a pre-amp?