
Responses from garydelros

Musical Fidelity A3 or Pass Labs Aleph 30
If the Aleph 30 has a rating of 47 kohms, what would be the optimum output impedance for a pre-amp? 
Musical Fidelity A3 or Pass Labs Aleph 30
Thank you guys for all your input. I've made my choice, I'm going to get the Aleph. Now, if only I can get a nice(inexpensive) tube pre-amp to warm it a little bit. Can i pair it with a tube pre-amp?I'm thinking of a Decware ZSLA-1 a triode line s... 
Musical Fidelity A3 or Pass Labs Aleph 30
Presently, I'm using a Yamaha receiver and a Titus/Bose for front /sourround. I want to set-up a second separate system in which i could just sit back relax and enjoy good music, even on low level volume. I mostly listen to soft, jazz, R&B, ac...