Hovland hp-100 remote in the future?

anyone have info or a guestimate on whether hovland plans to bring out a version of this preamp with a remote?
I read a report of the Stereophile HES 2003 show on Audio Asylum that mentions a room with the Hovland HP-200. If that is not a typo, maybe a hint that a new model pre-amp(probably with remote and theatre bypass)is imminent. Nothing listed on Hovland's website as of today(6-19-03).
I saw the new Hovland preamp with remote at the HES 2003 show. I was told it was similar to the current preamp although they were able to simplify the signal path somewhat resulting in better sound.
Does it have Balanced XLR inputs/outputs? That would be on my wish list besides the remote of course.
I just spoke to the local Hovland dealer , he is expecting to get the one with a remote in the next couple of months. By the way, as far as I know , they were the only room that had a hp 100 and it wasnt a remote unit that I demoed at their showroom. They were the ones
with the Hovland amp and Triangle Magellens.