preamp to mate with McCormack DNA 1

Hello all

Looking for a good solid state preamp ($1000 used) with remote that will mate well with the McCormack DNA-1 amplifier. Intend to drive Vandersteen 3A signatures.


I'm really pleased with my BAT VK-3i. After about 5 years I replace the tubes with New Old Stock (NOS) and the improvements were more than subtle.

I also have DNA-1 (stock) and Thiel 2.2's.
I recommend to use passive preamps since McCormacks are too sencitive for the tube drive. They're designed to be used with McCormack preamps that have basically 0 gain. Becides McCormack preamps that I consider bright in active mode you can use:
1.Placette passive(remote optional) is a-bit above $1k
2.Audio Synthesis passive rempte preamp(used is even under $1k)
3.Never had a chance but according to the blasting reviews you can check bent audio transformer volume passive preamp.
I can make a counter suggestion. I'm using a McIntosh C-38 with my DNA 1/B driving ML SL3s. WHile I love the flexibility, durability, and smoothness of the McIntosh, I have a usable volume range between 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock, anything over 9 and the room is over-pressurized and not really comfortable. Still no distortion at the louder volumes, just far more than needed in a 16*25 room
I used a Kora Eclipse tube hybrid preamp with my DNA-225 (same 100Kohm input as the 1.0) and it was a very nice pairing, indeed. The matching, from an impedance standpoint, would not have seemed logical but the sound was great. As such, I would not dismiss the idea of a tube preamp out of hand.

Within the next few days I will have complete and introduced into my system the Bent passive that Marakanetz mentions. Will post my impressions when things settle in a bit.
I've got a ARC LS-7 driving my DNA 0.5 (Revision A)... waiting for a Supratek Syrah that I ordered about 4 months ago (Mick said that the sensitivity is adjustable to deal with high power amps).

just my 0.02