Quad ESL or Soundlab?

Have anyone compared those two brands? Both of them are ESL, I have heard the New Quad 2805 driven with Quad's 15watt tube mono block, they sounded amazing, very transparent and uncolored. Didn't have chance to hear Soundlab yet but will be very interesting to hear from ppl who have heard both speakers.

hi mozart:

you bought the wrong quads. you should have considered stacked quad 57s. the 2805 is a "souped up" quad 63.

i am in the market for a speaker and i am considering quads unlimited quad 57s.
The stacked Quad 57's can be considered as benchmark electrostatic speakers. The Soundlab A-1's (which I own) remind me of them. The Soundlabs have more bass and deeper bass. Also the SPL handling is better (can play louder).

podiums all the way . no sweet spot , efficient , easy to place , no crossovers , NO BEAMING. A total revelation period. www.podiumsound.co.uk
hi andre:

where did you hear the podiums ? i heard them at ces they sounded awful. i had two other friends with me at the st tropez.
No discussion possible the best electrostatic speakers ever build in whole history are :
1) Legendary Beveridge 2 SW (world's most holographic 3-D speaker ever)
2) Legendary 4 stacked Quad 57 ESL's.

All other current and old eletrostatics speakers will be beaten by those two legendary speakers.

Soundlab has a big soundstage but is lesser musical than Beveridge or Quad ESL 57(stacked).
Listen to the magical midrange and nothing will do.