Can I get suggestions for a tube preamp please?

Hi Folks,
I have a PS Audio Classic 250 SS amp & I am considering the purchase of a tube pre-amp & would appreciate suggestions. I prefer listening to Rock & Roll music but I'm not picky unless it's country music.

A Home Theatre Bypass would be necessary & balanced outputs because I integrate my two channel setup with my Home Theatre. I don't have a turntable, so I only need this for my CD player, currently a Sony s9000es. Can I find something very good to fit with my system in the $1,500 range?
Hi It's mikec again,,,, I forgot to mention and it's important. If you do go with a SF Line 3 it is important that you DO NOT USE your PS 300 power conditioner. You can use the PS 300 for the source components but not for a SF Line 3 preamp. The Line 3 already has a regulated power conditioner (power supply). Just want you to be aware of that. You can contact SF and PS Audio on this one. The BAT's are also very good and will fit your requirments but maybe out of the price range. CJ is also good but are NOT Balanced. For your budget a few more (500 to 1000 more YIKES)dollars the Line 3 is your ticket. You have a nice system and the Line 3 is the preamp for your gear. The BAT's are also very good but going to cost even more. Good Luck with what ever you choose.
Thanks for all the responses, I've had some suggestions that were emailed to me from Audiogon members & I appreciate it. I've been looking into all the suggestions but I'm leaning toward a Sonic Frontiers Line 3.
Has ananyone here owned a either a SFL 1, SFL 2, and/or a SFL 3 to give a comparison between them?

Let me ask you guys another question. For those of you that have owned both tube & SS pre-amps, has your preference changed between the two types or have you pretty much picked one or the other and stuck with it?
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