The death of an amplifier

When an amplifier finally passes away what is usually the cause for it's demise? Can this be prevented? I'm looking to do some preventative maintenence. HELP!
Joman- Religon is a belief in or worship of God or Gods; seeing as 95% of the world practices some form of "religon" you should make yourself aware of it :) ~Tim
Tireguy; If one is going to practice religion I assume in the USA it would be a first step to be able to spell it correctly. That's just my opinion and I could be wrong!

Hey, why all this religos discusson? My head hurts, maybe I have a concusson. Sorry for the intrusson, please continue you religos instructons, if you so have the noton. I didn't mean to cause such a comoton.

I hope this is not too far off the subject but I'm asking about solid state amps. I have currently sworn off tubes, but tomorrow's another day. Actually tomorrow is Sunday so I hope all of you will follow your relijus convictions and go to church.