Why the lack of interest in Accuphase?

i'm surprised by the lack of interest in my Accuphase piece, and was wondering why there is little interest past the first day of ads.
Is 9/11 still efecting the market that much, do people not know and appreciate Accuphase, or is it just too expensive.
Love to hear any musings on the state of the used market. I would figure things would be getting better.
Why would you pay US$11K for Accuphase DP-75V from US importer, when you can get it straight from Japan for US$2500 brand new and then do a 10 minute voltage modification to make it work in your system? I could care less about warranty, if you get one of the 3 or 4 best sounding CD players in the world at a savings of $8000, then baby count me in. If anything ever needed repair on it, I could hire the best tech in the country, take him out to dinner and drinks on my bill, and still be thousands ahead.

I'll take my chances. Who has DP-75V new, I offer $2500.
Glassboy, I agree with you, I just want to have full dislosure so I can make an informned buying decision, that's what it is al about, n'est-ce pas?
HI Glassboy

The main reason is the people selling the gray units do not want $2500.00 for them. They want around 50% to 75% of US prices, for used items. Then most wants to hide the fact that they are gray market unit and sell high.

If someone was offering a 75V for $2500.00 new and telling me it is a Japan model and what needed to be done, then yes that is reason to consider the purchase.

I have a hard time telling gray market from the others in the adds and simply have decided to not purchase an Accuphase item unit until, this problem is resolved.

I have a felling that if the gray market can be so large with Accuphase CD units, there is no reason to believe it does not exist in there other products as well.

I am a person that believes you disclose and state all facts about the item you are selling up front. You do not need to be hounded in to disclosing the facts. So I have a very hard time purchasing somthing from someone that hides the facts up front. As one member said I want to be informed and make up my mind on what I will pay for a given item.

Anyway I think this Gray Market set up is causing problems for all Accuphase item.
I agree with the concern for gray market products for any gear but remember, this is used gear. Not all manufacturers handle repairs for the own legitimate US gear that smoothly once the warranty period has expired. As for the slow responses, Accuphase gear is expensive and its distribution and exposure is rather limited here in the US. But it is great sounding stuff, incredibly well made and engineered (as far as I can tell from published technical reports that show outstanding test results). As a seller of equipment on Agon, I find that patience is the key; eventually someone will want your unit if it's priced within the parameters of its peer group.
As for the other comments on new Accuphase CD players- it's music to my ears; looks like I'll hold tight for 6 months and see what shakes out with SACD.
I just can't believe that multichannel SACD is the next best thing. How studios could be pursuaded to invest into yet another SACD 'gimick' after the abysmal two years two channel SACD has had is beyond me. I strongly believe that unless two channel SACD suddenly takes off in a big way or shows massive improvement, there will be no multi channel SACD investment, and rightly so. The only saving grace for multi channel imho is DVDA.
