I need amplification.....

Here's the deal... I'm running B&W CDM 1NT's. I'm looking to spend 700 dollars. I know it's not much, but it's all I have at this point. I would like an integrated. Saves space, don't have to shell out the bucks for extra interconnects.. All I have besides the speakers are an NAD DVD for a source and a soon to be in my possesion yamaha tuner. There is a chance I could get a Muscial Fidelity A3. Anyone else have any other ideas? I do have a parasound HCA 500 50 watt amp, so I could go with just a pre amp, but I'm not sure the parasound has enough drive for the CDM's. Any help would be excellent!

I have also used the Audio Refinement Complete and was quite impressed. It totally blew away an older Musical Fidelity amp (A-220). Same 50 watts, and the M.F. was even class A biased! Happy Tunes!
Try a Acurus amp ,they have a good clean sound. I use a A100
in my bedroom system with PSB IMAGE 4Ts . Very similar to the sound of a Adcom amp . Usually you can a great deal on this American built amp ,good luck.

I've heard that B&W uses Rotel for their powered speakers. I used Rotel happily for several years. A friend used an old Parasound receiver of mine wtih his new 603 SII and said that he liked the sound, but 25 W wasn't enough for his taste (Metallica, Megadeth and other heavy metal).
I would also recommend tube amplification with your speakers. Jolida makes a few products that would fall into
your price range. Also, Sudgen A-21. Class A int. amp. (price however could be a little above your budget) Try to
audition in your own home w/your own components to be sure
they satisfy your tastes. Good Luck, Bill.
I'm sorry... in my earlier post I mentioned the "Sudgen" A-21 int. amp. I spelled it wrong. It should be SUGDEN.