Anyone have honest opinion of Jolida amps?

Want to join ranks of tube/hybred owners but with a modest budget. I need advice. Wondering if the Jolida integrateds are any good. Seem to be a lot for sale. Also seems many reviews at Audio Review website may have been written by dealers (pity if its true). Looking for honest opinions and suggetions for this audio novice. THANKS.
In my opinion to denigrate the Jolida amps is in poor taste and bad advice.
They do exactly what they are intended to do; offer an affordable entry into high end tube audio. I have owned much more expensive SS amps and find the Jolida to better them in almost every aspect. I do think it is important to upgrade the tubes when you can afford it. I find the Jolida to be a wonderfully engaging and musical amp and in the right system it is magical. For the used price of $500-$600 dollars there is no better value in your entry to tube audio and when and if you decide to upgrade there seems to be a ready market.
My well regarded and highly rated SS amp / system sits idle as I much more enjoy the music through the Jolida.

Best Regards,

At the 2001 CES, only one system actually moved me to tears. That was a JoLida CD player feeding the 100-watt JoLida tube amp, driving Cliffhanger Bulldog speakers. Now, I doubt we were listening to the stock tubes. But the sound was stunning.

If I weren't a JoLida dealer, that commentary would probably carry more weight. I sell them because I honestly think they are genuine entry-level high end. In fact, they are the only "budget" electronics I sell.

Like anything else in audio, it's all about synergies and tradeoffs. I'd say pick your speakers first, and then get an affordable amp that works very well with the speakers you love. That may or may not be a JoLida. Likewise, if you're sticking with the speakers you currently have, JoLida may or may not be the best choice. But when there is a good synergy between a JoLida and a pair of speakers, the result can significantly transcend what one would expect from that price range.

My first foray into the tube world was a Jolida 302A with upgraded tubes. I matched it with an Ultech CD and JM Lab Daline 3.1's. That was a few years and many amps ago. I can say this. . .the Jolida was the perfect intro unit. Until then I had used SS gear. The Jolida made me a tube-guy ever since. I've owned Golden Tube, Aranov and Air Tight tube amps since. Nothing can compare to the Jolida for bang-for-the-buck. Buy one. I'll think you'll be very impressed.
...was a Jolida 302B with 5751 replacing the 12AX7 and Svetlana EL34 as power matched very nicely with Parasound CDP1000 cd player, and with Meadowlark Kestrels speakers...very involving especially with Jazz, and small scale orchestras...very nice female vocals...a little mushy in the bass, but overall, for the money, a very enjoyable experience...
Two years ago I was looking for a an integrated amp and Jolida was on my auditon list. As I was looking them over I noticed that the demo and several new units had wobbly knobs probably due to bent shafts and that the metal case work was so junky it looked home made. The dealer told me that he was dropping the line because they were all of this quality and that internally the quality equally questionable. I did'nt even bother to listen. Why buy something that needs fixed?