sonicfrontiers pre-amps reliable or not?

I'm looking to run my system balanced and have thought a bout sonicfrontiers pre-amps.I've heard that,some of their products aren't very reliable,any feedbck on this would be great.
thanks mike
I have had an Sonic Fronteers Antheum AVM-2 for about a year. It has performed flawlesly.
Line 3 works fabulously, sounds even better. 3 years now and lots of hours! reliable...good luck in your decision
I seem to recall from earlier posts that they have had some problems with one of the chips that controls the Line series preamps. I don't think that it was very common. I have been using a Line 1 for about a year and am very happy with it sonicly and have had no reliability problems.
dbear, apparently the initial run of line series had a volume control problem that drove the volume not down, but up to failure. the version i have is corrected...i suggest an email to SF to clarify the fix if there is stated earlier mine works and sounds wonderfully.
I have had Line One for over three years with no probs. SF builds with premium brand name parts which adds to reliablility.