Do you ever just listen to music

Do you ever just listen to music without critiquing your system? On Thanksgiving I listened to music for 12 straight hours without one critique. It was the most fun I have had with my system in years. I put on some of the worst recordings I have a long with the best recording and they were all enjoyable to listen to. All in all it was a fun day.
Mrtennis....I agree with much of what you say, but where does the math come in with the exception of Bach?
I've noticed I am overly critical of my main system and tend to enjoy it less(even though it's much better) than my secondary system of which not much is expected, just music
strong correlation between musical talent and math aptitude

Correlation is a dangerous word, since it might suggest that one thing is causing another. For instance: There is a strong correlation between tattoos and motorcycle accidents (tattoos are causing motorcycle accidents)

Washington DC has three times more police and eight time more murders than Denver (same population). More policemen = more murders (strong correlation).