RMAF 2011: Any tips?

I'm going to Rocky Mountain Audiofest this year for the first time. There's a lot to see, and I'm not quite sure how to prioritize. Does anyone have advice about things that shouldn't be missed? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Now that I know you won't embarrass me by wearing white shoes I'll point to a few friends I'd who I'd suggest taking a listen to their offerings. I don't know that all will be there, but here's a few suggestions in no particular order - mostly stuff that might be more challenging to hear at dealers - not positive that all will be there, but if they are, their rooms will most certainly be worth a listen:

Daedalus Speakers
AudioMachina Speakers
Atmasphere/Classic Audio (usually together)
First Sound
Art Audio
Thanks, Jax. That's exactly the kind of recommendation I was hoping to get. I will make a point to visit those rooms.

bc- Add Merlin to those that Jax2 mentioned (which are all seconded). That will give you some idea of how far a relatively simple design (2 way bass reflex monitor) can be developed and you also will get to hear a great OTL tube amp (Joule). Also if you are interested at all in computer audio, check out Sound Science's Music Vaults.