Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?

Ten long years and way to much $$$ lost running sometimes backwards and sideways.

No more for me. I am very happy with the end result and can live a very long time with what I have built.

The Lampizator / Tenor was what brought me to the end and took the longing out of me for better sound.

What say you?

I want to say one more thing about this path that we are on. There's actually two paths. You're on one and I've switched over to the other about three years ago. Both paths have their merits, it's a person's choice which one that they want to travel.

Your path consists of building your system from stock components. That's good because they're known and resellable.

My path is buying components that I've found that I really like, and then having them taken beyond their stock specs through upgrades. That's good because I know that the stock sound is to my liking, and the upgrade takes it much further down the same road. That's bad because I know that I'll never be able to sell them and recoupe what I've put into them.

There's a hidden thing about my path too. By starting with components that I really like, the amount of money that I'm spending on the upgrades is less than buying, trying and then selling two, three or four stock components. That's a benefit to my path that isn't readily apparent until someone sits down and adds things up. But like I said, it's a more final path unless someone has loads of pocket money to play with.

one of the issues of reaching the finish line, is an unrealistic criterion of trying to get a concert hall sound in your listening room. for most of us, with small to medium size rooms and other limitations, this task is impossible. being motivated to achieve it can be frustrating and causing endless adjustments to one's stereo system without reaching your goal. at some point the journey can be unpleasant.

so, having realistic expectations as to what you can accomplish within the constraints of budget and room can lead to realistic , achievable goals. when these goals have been reached, perhaps it is time to stop and listen to the music and not spend any more money , looking for "improvements", as you have reached your goal.

hopefully, one does not continually change the goal, so at some point it can never be reached.

the answer is to develop attainable goals and achieve them. get help when you think you need it.

i find some manufactureres are a good source of grounding.
As others have said, there is no finish line. I don't know about you guys but once I get a system working well, I'm ready to change something. Panels to horns, horns to dynamic, planers to electrostatics... It's a journey, not a destination.

You are of that mind set but unlike you I have reached my destination and will no longer do the buy and try and sell game to find the perfect sound. Continue the journey my friend and enjoy the ride.

If I run into a big $$$ gain and a new room I might think different but new goals of travel and much skiing @ the best resorts is a new mind set. As a matter of fact audio is second to skiing all day long.
Is there really an end? It seems like we hear about lots of people who bought systems in the past and they kept these same systems for years. Yes, the occasional upgrade or experimemnt here and there, much like today, or at least with me. I can't really see making an absolute statement in this hobby as to being done, their are too many variables. For example, I still like to tinker and have experimented with megabuck cables, from IC's to power cords, and learned that some work better, while others suck the life out of your system. Looking for a tube upgrade, jump on the latest flavor of the month tube and try it, because many others are claiming this new tube of the month to be the shiznit (Adam Sandler movie). There are a few who are plug in and forget, but I believe there are many more who will not be satisified with same old same old. I just experiemented with 4 amps, two bridged mono amps, and my two tube amps. I do not think I like it as much as the tubes driving my speakers alone. It is an experiment and I did not lose anything, except a few minutes time.

Again, way to many variables to make an absolute claim that one is finished. Sure, perhaps with the big electronics spending, but, cleaning cables, changing tubes, cleaning records, using absorbers under equipment, using equipment stands, isolating equipment, doing anything to the electricity, all count as being part of the hobby. We are way to curious to settle on one absolute in this hobby. Years, well, until you are forced not to do anything or lose interest entirely.

Those are my thoughts at least.