Do you do AV at your church or other group events?

A few months ago joined the AV team at my church and have slowly become more comfortable with the equipment. We don't have anybody that really qualifies as a "pro" but some are certainly better at it than others. The majority of us are engineers that are not scared to push buttons, but it seems we all have a slightly different way to handle things. I have no previous experience with this type of equipment and am slowly figuring out better ways to set things up. Last weekend they guy running the board had a microphone so "hot" trying to pick up a flute and violin that were standing back from it that I could almost see the glo around it. I was just waiting for the horrible reverb screech to happen. I was on this week and was very careful to bring the house volume up a little more than normal in an effort to minimize the gain on the various microphones.

Does anyone have any general tips and/or recommendation on how to maximize the sound quality. The equipment is adequate, but I'd love to upgrade it a notch or two if the funds were available. I may have to donate some microphone cords just to have a matching set.

Considering the audio equipment that I own personally, I figured it would be horribly selfish for me to not join the AV team since they can always use another person in the rotation.
I'm unfamiliar w/the amps. Ran EV back in the 70's & still like them. Alesis is a good product.

Looked at the mixer on-line & it seems to be capable but is somewhat limiting. If I looked at the correct manual, you only have 2 monitor sends & but have 4 busses. With 4 you can separate drums/instruments/vocals/wireless, which is really all you need. Having 2 monitors just means they'll have to share. A drum shield (if you don't have one) is a big help, as it especially keeps the cymbals from overpowering the drum mix. A hard hitting drummer can make the cymbals cut through everything-ouch!

Having some headphones at the board will help isolate things you can't quite pinpoint listening to the PA. Senn 280 are good all around console cans that are affordable. Our church has a set of those & I keep them on the recorder & bring my ATH for the board. They're not as flat but are more representative of what the PA sounds like.

Mics make a huge difference in the sound & I won't get into them too much except to say if you can get Shure Beta 58's for vocals you won't have any problems there. 57's work great for instruments & drums. Go direct w/bass & keys.

It seems like every week there's a ground loop or cable malfunction & it's an ongoing process. Most of the musicians bring their own cabinet & heads & some of the drummers bring their own cymbals. We rarely keep the same stage set-up except for the drums but it's a semi-permanent installation, so we just plug into the boxes on stage instead of running a snake, which makes things so much easier (& quicker) to change.

The way I like to set up the board is start w/the drums on the left & then the instruments across the stage then the vocals across the stage. It makes it easier to find the channel you're looking for. I also try & keep my eyes on the band when they're playing so I can follow leads, etc. I just have my finger on the slider waiting. Sometimes I have to follow a singer w/the fader, as some don't have that good of control over mic positioning and/or vocal awareness.

If you have a music director it's important to have a rapport w/him or her so you can relay some of the "touchy" points to them-as it's their job to direct the musicians. It's not my job (or place) to tell a singer how to hold a mic, unless I'm asked. This isn't the same thing I mentioned in my previous reply about placing instruments, as some musicians have little stage experience & don't know much about it or never learned where to stand in the first place. Also, sometimes you have to ask them to turn their amps up or down or maybe ask the keyboardist to play both the loud & soft patches.

To go off on a tangent briefly, I've worked w/a few local bands & after continually asking the band leader to have the lead guitarist turn down his amp, I told him I would never mix for them again while this fellow was in the band. There's just no way you can overcome someone who wants to play over the top of everybody all night long.

One of the things I really enjoy about working w/the church is that everybody leaves their ego at the door. It's so much easier!

Oh, one other thing I wanted to elaborate on was you have to have control over the stage volume to a point. You might have to reposition amps, etc. so they don't blow out the folks sitting right in front of them. Always walk around the auditorium while the band is playing to get a sense of the balance & how it sounds in all areas of the room. Make your adj. then go back on the floor & listen. That way you'll be confident at the board even though it might sound different than when you were walking around but you'll understand the difference between being in the seats & at the board.
That's a lot of great information to keep in mind. Thanks for the feedback on the equipment.

For clarification, a normal AV setup at my church involves four microphones for singers and sometimes one or two guitars plugged into the system. It's really a simply setup most of the time, but I still want to learn as much as I can to makes sure I maximize what I can with what we have.

On of the most difficult things to figure out is the right level on the monitors since they can't be heard from the soundboard. We had one event where it got turned up to the point of overpowering the main speakers and it took a minute to figure out where the sound was coming from.
Yep, the monitors can be a problem. Your musicians have to communicate to you the levels they need but you should also make a trip to the stage to verify they aren't too loud (or not loud enough).

With that kind of set-up you should have a good balance that doesn't need to run at concert levels.

Do experiment w/different settings, eq, effects & so on. Mic positioning from the monitors, monitors from the edge of the stage & so on.

You might want to check out some basic pro audio mixing books. They get you pointed in the right direction, like what freqs to start off with, gain structure & so on.
I'd also like to express my appreciation for being involved - THANK YOU!

In keeping with everything else we do, our church has a more than modest A/V system, in both the church itself and the parish hall we meet in after Mass. While we don't have spectacular gear, it's more than adequate. At our annual meeting last week, we discovered that just as things have been over the past several years, our fiscal restraint kept us in the black for 2010, and we continue on in our journey, doing what we believe important.

My father is very involved in two other parishes, and has put together the whole system at one of them, and upgraded the other. I worked with him to source the components, and in purchasing used and judiciously, he's been complimented about the quality exceeding the expected.
I purchased some microphone cables from and they arrived last night. I got home extremely late so I only had time to cut the packaging and get them ready to deliver to the church tonight (was going for a practice anyways). They appear to have solid construction and are very flexible. The outer surface is an interesting material that I can't identify. I can understand the reviews about flexibility and one "compliant" that they collected fuzz when laying on carpet. It'll be nice to have a matching set of cords so that I don't have to sort through the misc. stack on a regular basis.