child-free environment?

Quick poll: who here on Agon has kids under 10 years old in the house? And of those, who lets their kids listen to their audio system (supervised or unsupervised)? Anser "kids yes / no" and "listen yes / no / N/A"

Everyone selling gear on Agon tends to advertise that the gear was kept in a smoke-free, pet-free, and child-free. environment. I understand it's important to assure the buyer that the amp doesn't wreak of smoke, the speaker grilles haven't been used to sharpen cat claws, and the speaker cones aren't trashed by the exploring fingers of a toddler. But if it's about the music, rather than the equipment, then who wouldn't want to share it with those they love the most? And who wouldn't want to raise their kids to understand the value of good sound and a respect for precision equipment? But that's just my bias. My 4 year old twins love dancing to Gordon Goodwin and my 2 month old twins find Nina Simone's voice more soothing than mine. Looking forward to seeing some poll data!
Yes and Yes.
Taught my daughter how to use the system. Want her to have an appreciation of how good music can sound over her ipod and tabletop radio. She'll even use it for a movie.

Yes I have kids, and yes, one of them can use my system. My wife on the other hand turns plays music on the computer or DirecTV over the TV speakers because she tired of my ever changing configurations. My 11 year old son has an incredible knack for technology, and he is permitted to use my system, and is as careful as I am if not moreson. My 9 year old daughter doesn't care to learn, but knows how to mute.
You guys are speaking my language. Of course there's a selection bias determining who reads (and responds to) this post, but it warms my heart to see that no one yet has replied "yes" to kids and "no" they aren't allowed to use it. Corazon, you bring up an excellent point. While the healthcare experts and the media are worried about the high volumes achievable with an iPod and earbud headphones, what worries ME is the conditioning of our youth into valuing only the QUANTITY of music they command, not the QUALITY of the listening experience
No and no in my house. But the grandsons come over fairly regular. The oldest (15) finds his way into my listening room at some point if things get hectic. He'll generally listen to his ipod unless I come in and turn on the system. I wouldn't mind if he turned it on but he must be intimidated by it.
Maybe he recalls the time his little brother pushed in a tweeter. I jumped up and yelled so loud it scared the crap out of him. Most definitely an over reaction on my part and although I apologized for it none of them touched the stereo again. At least not when I was around.
No and no, but it would be yes and yes.

I remember 20 years ago a friends spoiled kid throwing a GI Joe through the dust covers of my Quads when told that he was not allowed in the "nook" off of the living area of that home. As it is, if I am ever blessed with children I will gladly allow them to use it as my father did with me. His love for music and the appreciation of it reproduced well is why I am in this hobby in the first place. I would be honored to bestow that upon a child, even if it meant the inevitable damage that occurs with kids and pets. The funny part is, now that he is older, I am the administrator of his system, and I fear the damage he will do.