ZYX Universe silver vs copper

OK friends. I need help. I have read some of the other posts regarding the silver vs copper. Now after people have had more time with their ZYX'x, are the conclussions still the same?.

I have Teres 360, Schroeder DPS, EAR 834p (highly modified), Placcette passive, Atma-Sphere MA1, Coincident Total Victory ll.

Question?. With the EAR and the A-S, would the copper be too romantic?. What are the benefits of the Silver?. I listen to every thing but classical. Lots of female vocals, jazz, rock, pop.

Showing 2 responses by thom_at_galibier_design

Hello all,

I've heard things on high resolution systems that one can only get a hint at on other systems.

Even on my rig, the difference between copper and silver coiled ZYSXs is subtle but noticeable - with a preference for the copper, which is in general slightly more revealing than the silver. This is quite counterintuitive from the normal characterization of silver. IOW, what Doug said.

The differences (even on a high-rez system) are such that unless you worked hard to commit a few reference recordings to memory, I doubt you'd care about them once you owned either one.

Having said that, my preference is for copper on all but the nastiest sounding rigs ... the kind of rig that a Universe or Airy-2/Airy-3 owner is unlikely to own (a nasty sounding one).

Thom @ Galibier
Doug, all ...

I realized that my post above was a bit nebulous.

My most extensive and controlled silver/copper experimentation involved the Airy-3. By experimenting with loading, I was able to close the gap between the two variants ... still preferring the copper by a small margin in the end.

Silver/Copper with the Universe was on different systems and not as well controlled. Likely, it's higher resolution expands on the differences. This would be consistent with yours and Cello's observations.

Sorry for the confusion ...

Thom @ Galibier