Zyx Universe. O.24 mv vs .48 mv with low eff spkrs

I have a dilema

My Zyx Universe .24mv cartridge appears to be loosing its suspension characteristics. I believe an arm bearing not moving freely put too much wear on it.

I have 84 db speakers and have to crank at pretty high levels to get my volume up far enough to resolve things.

I know a .24 mv is going to have slightly more resolution and speed but woud I be better going with the .48 and having less stress on the amplification and higher output volumes?

Showing 4 responses by swampwalker

My guess is that once you hear the Atma amps w a suitable speaker, your only argument will be w yourself, for not doing it sooner. IMO, the Salk speakers are beautiful, real craftmanship, but clearly designed for high power SS amps. A high(er)/flat impedance, high(er) efficiency speaker designed for tube amps is the way to go w the Atma amps. My own experience is that you do have to be somewhat concerned about hum and noise when you go to very high eff speakers; the higher eff the more careful you have to be; there's a reason why many low power amps (likely to be mated w high eff speakers) have hum pots!
I haven't heard the UniII, but having heard the Uni in Doug's system, I can only imagine how good it is. Now go out there and get some speakers that are designed for that kind of an amp...look out!!!! You may not be getting much sleep for a while.
Audiotomb- Never heard the Daedalus at any length but I know Almarg loves his. Enjoy. And don't miss any live music to listen to the hifi. It's great fun but it's not the real thing, as I am sure you know.
My apologies to all, but esp. to Atma. My last post was poorly worded. The reference to being more concerned w hum and noise was based on two things. One, just an electrical/acoustical fact of life. A higher eff speaker will reproduce the inherent hum and noise in a system at a higher SPL than a lower one. At least I think that's a fact of life. Second, my recent experience w both push pull and and PSET amps (but not w the Atma OTLs). When switching between two speakers of differing efficiencies, I always heard more tube rush or hum or noise from the higher eff speaker. I was not in any way trying to say that Atma amps were noisy when mated w high eff speakers. My bad.