ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by sirspeedy


I've only gotten 12 hours on my Orpheus,because I'd not been able to play it for quite some time.I had some problems,which are about to come to an end,and was looking forward to SOTA sound in a matter of days.....

Now a new Orpheus!!!

I'm gonna have to do some serious rationalizing!!

Have to admit,I'm almost sorry you posted this info. -:)

Doug,excellent post......I find the info quite interesting,even though not owning any of the ZYX line.Typically extensive tid-bits of useful info.

I originally thought you'd post sooner,but you must be getting ready for RMAF!!My "main" point,actually....so....

Of all the products or subjects you've spoken about in the past,I've really never been envious of "any"....

----Until NOW!!!----

BOY,do I wish I could find a way to get to Denver,this time around!!Especially after "this past year".

A close friend is lucky enough to be going,but my home needs a new paint job,amongst other things(like a not too distant wedding for my daughter)....Priorities,priorities.

Anyway,this is as good a time as any to say have a ton of fun!Take it all in,because before you know it,you'll be shoveling snow in Connecticut -:)

Lewm,I doubt you've followed many of my posts for the last few months.

I say this with respect,and not to be defensive at all.There's a reason I say this....

My set-up has been down(in the analog domain)for almost a year.The Orpheus(which I got last Fall,and is still new) would be just fine,if I can get the damn system up again.That's why I only have 12 hrs on it,from "last" September.
I'm not the type to "have" to obtain the absolute latest figamajig,but I've not been able to do anything but "swoon" over new/fun stuff lately....There's nothing else for me to do,in "this" hobby,for now.
You misunderstood my original enthusiasm.It was enthusiastic curiosity....That's all!

Piedpiper,are you referring to a "newly" designed Orpheus,with lower output,and better sound?This would be nice,but I can't find any info on the Profundo web-site.

Piedpiper,I am aware of the new Air Tight design,and have a friend who may get one.He's hinted about replacing his fabulous Titan i.

The Magic Diamond "newbie" is interesting,in that "they" never seemed to have alot of exposure in the USA.I know Loyd Walker likes these alot,and I've heard the Magic Diamond a few times,using my own Decca Classical LP's.Very nice!!

I "think" that the new Magic Diamond designs could easily be the cartridges "they" have made before,but did not sell here.Like the Virus,and another one.I believe there is also a mono design around.Could be wrong though.

This is totally conjecture on my part!!I'm only a BIG fan of "serious" analog toys.NOT an expert,by any stretch.

You can call me a "Yenta",and that would probably be a better fit -:)
