ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by oscilloscopium

I had three models in the last four years; FX-100 Fuji, Airy 2 and Airy3 which I still own. Superb in every way with great detail and soundstaging; they have the same imprint sound, just a little bit thin audible on all models.
I used them with low to medium mass tonearms since they are very leightweight (5 grams).
My system does not revealed a great difference about quality between low and high output versions, be sure to have a phonostage with enough gain for low versions.
Do you have read the very long description made in Mr. Arthur Salvatore website about sonic differences of Fuji-Airy2/Airy3/Universe from Zyx?
In my opinion it's a fantastic rewiev in deep about sonic strenghts, matching with tonearms and related problems like VTF or tonearm mass. I'm only not completely agree with him about the supposed great superiority of low output versions, please take a look! It will necessary a long night to read all pages but it's quite interesting.
ciao from Italy!
I must admit that my post is evidently uncomplete and subsequently incorrect. Doug is absolutely right since I wanted to speak about light cartridge and not light mass of tonearm.
In fact I started to use Zyx with Souther SLA-3 and was nothing special, later I replace it with heavier Syrinx PU-3 (11 grams mass) and it was much much much better. Recently a friend of mine took me a Triplanar just for trying and it was another slight but audible improvement, so I'm going to this one or towards a Graham 2.2.
in the future I'll take more English lessons and edit my post before sending them.
all my best