ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by dougdeacon


The hierarchy of ZYX models (by price) is:

Airy 3
Airy 2
R100 Fuji
A zillion lower priced models you didn't ask about ;-)

All of the above use the same microridge stylus (contrary to Dan_Ed's statement), as do all ZYX models above the entry level Bloom, which uses a less costly elliptical.

All five of the above can be ordered in either Low Output (.24mv/4 ohms) or High Output (.48mv/8 ohms). There's no price difference. As I reported here (and tipped off Arthur Salvatore after I saw his unenthusiastic writeup of the HO UNIverse), the LO models substantially outperform their HO brethren. The superiority of the LO is so great that, on my advice, Mehran does not even stock HO UNIverse or Atmos (not sure about the others). Footnote: ZYX uses a non-standard test record that produces cartridge output specs much lower than what other cartridge brands would report. To get a comparative spec or for phono gain calculaton purposes, you have to multiply a ZYX output spec by 1.42, so .24mv becomes .34mv and .48mv becomes .68.

All five of the above can be ordered with gold (G), silver (S) or copper (X) coils. There's no price difference. Mehran stocks the copper and some silver, gold is special order. For all models, copper is fastest, least bloated, most natural, most revealing. Silver is slower, somewhat smoothed, a bit Koetsu-ish. Gold is slowest, quite smoothed, quite Koetsu-ish.

All five of the above can be ordered with no extra weight (cartridge weighs ~5 oz.), silver weight (SB, cartridge weighs ~9 oz.) or gold weight (GB, cartridge weighs, um, MORE than 9 oz.!). The SB costs extra, the GB costs even more. Mehran stocks the SB, GB and weight-less are both special order. Which is best depends on the tonearm. For a ZYX, the ideal setup is tonearm eff. mass + weight of cartridge + extra weight (if any) = 22-25 grams. A popular and very successful combo is TriPlanar + ZYX with SB, which works out to 11 + 9 = 20g. A bit light in theory but excellent in practice.

BTW, Oscilloscopium's theory that a ZYX likes a lighter arm because it's light itself is incorrect. Not correct in theory and not the best combo in practice. An unweighted (5g) ZYX will perform best on an arm with an eff. mass of 18-20g or so, which is nobody's idea of light.

For sonic comparisons of Airy 2, Airy 3, Atmos and UNIverse, read the reviews beneath my signature.


P.S. For interpretations of Redtop and his comments, see Dan_Ed!

If you go for an Atmos or UNI:

- choose LO (if you don't have enough gain or can't get impedance between 100 and 200 ohms, don't waste your money on a HO Atmos or UNI - buy a better phono stage)

- go for the SB (or GB if you're feeling flush), the unweighted will sound lightweight and bass-shy on a TriPlanar (maybe part of Redtop's problem - poor equipment matching?)

- go for copper or silver coils depending on your sonic preference (but if you choose silver I won't come over for a listen!)

The Atmos is about as demanding of setup as most other high end carts. The UNI is an order of magnitude more particular, paying big benefits from extremely fine adjustments. It's a pain or a joy, depending on your attitude. Of course as Stltrains found when he tried an Atmos after breaking his UNIverse, it isn't easy to go backwards. The extra effort is worth it.

Don't forget the magic eraser. The ZYX stylus may be #1 in the world for resolution, but it's also #1 in the world for going sonically downhill when even slightly crudded up.


Wish you could make it. Why not make the future son-in-law paint the house? He owes you, right?!

I'm hoping for lots of snow. I'm working again, so I can afford to go skiing! Think snow!!!


Don't go away. We need new voices around here. :-)
