ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by dan_ed

I'm sure you'll get some better responses here but I encourage you to call Mehran and talk with him. He is not out to sell you something if he doesn't think it will work for you. My understanding is that the Atmos is just below the Universe. It does not use the same stylus profile. That's about all I know except the Universe is really an exceptional cartridge.
Redtop, you either need some new comic material or you need to put the bong back on the shelf. ;-)
Maybe he is drinking the bong water? Either that or his brother who "knows his stuff" didn't know enough to play the ZYX through an MC stage.
I stand corrected! Thanks Doug. I sure thought that only the UNI had the micro-ridge. That is very good information to have if one ever considers a retip other than from ZYX.