Doug, Speedy and others have covered the salient points.
Let me add, that you will not side step your problem by switching to the XV-1s.
I love the Dynavectors, with the XV-1s (along with my trusty Denon 103R) being the only other cartridge I'd consider other than a ZYX at this point (I'm not saying there aren't others ... just that I haven't heard them).
If anything, the Dyna will be harder to tame on your 2.2. I lived with this combo for about 7 weeks last year.
Keep with the ZYX and work through your loading and damping issues.
One other point that has reared its ugly face in bold relief over the last 6 months ... how many highly regarded phono stages are fatally flawed. Names witheld to protect the guilty, many of these products receive continual great reviews and have wide acceptance and high price tags.
You'd be amazed to discover that what you had previously considered to be either a flawed setup, tracing distortion, or a bad cartridge is in fact a phono stage with excessive slewing distortion. I kid you not ... Get together with your local audio buddies and swap phono stages.
Thom @ Galibier
Let me add, that you will not side step your problem by switching to the XV-1s.
I love the Dynavectors, with the XV-1s (along with my trusty Denon 103R) being the only other cartridge I'd consider other than a ZYX at this point (I'm not saying there aren't others ... just that I haven't heard them).
If anything, the Dyna will be harder to tame on your 2.2. I lived with this combo for about 7 weeks last year.
Keep with the ZYX and work through your loading and damping issues.
One other point that has reared its ugly face in bold relief over the last 6 months ... how many highly regarded phono stages are fatally flawed. Names witheld to protect the guilty, many of these products receive continual great reviews and have wide acceptance and high price tags.
You'd be amazed to discover that what you had previously considered to be either a flawed setup, tracing distortion, or a bad cartridge is in fact a phono stage with excessive slewing distortion. I kid you not ... Get together with your local audio buddies and swap phono stages.
Thom @ Galibier