Zu tone or Druid or which Omega ?

Which single-driver speaker would have best synergy with 8 watt 300B amp for my 11x16x8 ceiling room? Would it be Zu tone or Druid? or which Omega model may be a better match? I listen to vocals and jazz, and enjoy warm midrange.

Showing 1 response by rshak

My 2nd system listening room dimensions are about the same as yours, as are my listening tastes - - although I do listen to a fair bit of classical (chamber) music as well. I've owned a pair of Omega Hemptones for well over a year now and *love* them (in fact, they're the first production pair sold by Louis O. - ordered in 4/05 and delivered in 8/05). They're powered by an Eastern Electric M520 Integrated and sound abso-friggin'-lutely wonderful. They do require a long break-in period, however - - about 100 hours to sound "pretty good" - - but after 200 hours they become sublime.