Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?

I'll save a long backstory, but in short I've got the Zu Soul Supremes and I absolutely love them for what they do, at least in my relatively small (13x15x9) listening room.  I've had them a couple years as a follow-on to previous Zu speakers (Unions and Cubes, which I still own).  Those followed some vintage Altec horns (16 ohm Valencias and 19s)--which I love, but love the Zus more for daily listening.  Sean recommended the Supremes over the Druids at the time for the size of my listening room, although I suspect the Druids would have been as good or better regardless.

My interest is to hear from other Zu Soul Supreme owners...not may posts in this forum from owners that I can find.  I'd prefer to focus this discussion on the Soul Supremes, as there is a lot of great info already on the Druids and Definitions (which I assume are more prevalent in the wild), even though I'm sure have a ton of overlap in system synergy.


What system components are you finding to be great/phenomenal matches to the Soul Supremes, what have you compared them to, and what hasn't worked as well?   Anyone running them with what you consider to be really high-end gear?  I'm super curious to see how far these speakers can go before a speaker upgrade makes way more sense.

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Showing 3 responses by ladavid

I had an original set of Druids 10+ years ago - loved the sound of those speakers.  Have tried lots of others since but still good memories of the Druids.

I took advantage of the sale price on the Soul Supremes and should arrive in the new year.  They will replace Harbeth 30s - so very different speaker. 

I currently have a Hegel 390 amp so not sure how that is going to match with the Supremes in a fairly small room (12x13).  Have read S Casey's recommendation for power with his speakers but very few report on big power solid state amp with them - probably for a reason.  Love the functionality of the big Hegel - that would be tough to change but part of the adventure.. 


I have had my Soul Supremes about a year now.  One thing I have been disappointed with is that the speakers are not as dynamic as I had hoped.  I have not played with the floor gap til today - just put the speakers down when I received them - looking today it seems the gap was pretty minimal.  Maybe 3 mm.  Doubled the gap today so about 6 mm and amazed and how different these speakers sound.  There is a new lightness, sparkle and punch to the music.- should have played with the gap long ago!.  Heavy speakers to move around but play with the gap you will be surprised at how different just a little change makes.

Cat - thanks for telling me about your experience - would be curious how big your gap is - always read too large a gap and your bass gets muddy, even disappears.

I have some Gaia footers that I have used on other speakers - yesterday I had set out to install these on the Supremes.  I have 100 year old wood floors so speakers are a little wobbly on the wood floors - knew the Gaia's wouldn't give me the recommended gap between speakers and floor but thought it might solve the wobble.  Even though there are three post options the Gaia's didn't fit on the Supremes so resorted to playing with gap and tweaking til I got a better foundation on the wood floors.  Still amazed this morning at how different the speakers sound with a 6 mm gap vs 3 mm.  Small change.  What are other Zu owners doing with feet and the gap on their speakers?

I know this thread is mostly about amplifiers so here is what I am using.

Right now have an LTA Ultralinear integrated playing with the Supremes. Great amp but until yesterday I thought it was bass and dynamics challenged.  Think I am re-evaluating that.

Also have nice combo of hot rodded Amp Camp monos and Don Sachs preamp.  Better dynamics but maybe not as much detail.  Plan to swap this combo in the new sounding Supremes in next day or so- curious as I thought dynamics were pretty good before tweaking the gap.

My wife smiles at me and sure she is thinking I have too much time on my hands...