Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Sukihock - wise choice, I admit I have not heard the latter, but I know a couple experienced (note: experienced; not home theater dorm kids) audiophiles who have and one of them didn't care much for it, while the other liked it but not enough to keep him from upgrading to the SuperFly. For those that know me, I go through speakers like hot cakes. I've owned over 15 speakers in the past 3 years. Just ask my wife... I have driven her nuts, lol. Guess what, the Lores are a KEEPER!! Get some good tubes for the front end and get ready for a treat!
Thanks to all who have increased my confidence in throwing my next hard earned dollars Eric's way. Yeah I spoke to him recently about the Model 81en with the Fostex FE206en driver. I just sold my Sierra-1 here and I was looking to replace with another monitor. Just sick of the crossover designs and that's what lead me to Eric. I agree though he seems like a good guy and it's frankly refreshing to know that so many of you are getting a realistic performance return for your dollar. I'll just have to decide whether to go with the 81en ($475) or Lore ($850). My room is about 12x15x8. The Sierra's were plenty for a room this size but the Lore's are quite tempting.
Gpowered - since you've owned so many speakers I'll ask you. Do the Lore's super-tweeter call attention to itself? How would you characterize the overall temperature of the speakers's overall tone? I really wanted a pure full range speaker. I'm assuming there's no x-over on the 10" and just some sort of filter on the super-tweeter? How well do the two elements complement each other? BTW, to all concerned about lack of professional reviews, I too prefer this type of real consumer feedback to make my purchasing decisions. Glad I found this post on the Lore!!
Everything you guys (Zman, Gpowered) are saying about the Lore I am saying about the Omen. I'm driving them with a DIY 2A3 SE amp and they are absolutely fantastic. It took me a while to get them set up properly, specifically playing with speaker to floor gap since they are bottom porting. But once I found the sweet spot I've been very happy. It was much harder to get my Omens sounding good than my Tektons (not Lore)
At $850 for the Lore and $1,000 for the Omen I'd say it's a toss up - Save $150 with the Lore or get a better looking product with the Omen. But now that Zu has raised to $1,500 I'd say that most would get better value from the Lore. As a Tekton owner (Katz) I can vouch for Eric's craftsmanship and great sound, he knows what he's doing. Same with Zu.
It's good to see the passion from 2 small shops, hand building their stuff and delivering such value. Very nice.
Hi Sukihocck - a major advantage of the Lore is its ability to run full range from the Eminence driver. The tweeter never calls attention to itself. I cannot distinquish the mids from the treble like most conventional speakers - it is truly seamless in that regard. Yes, the Audax tweeter only handles 3Khz and up so this is basically a x-overless design.

As far as the temperature/tone... that will depend entirely on your front end. The Lore is extremely transparent. But I am surely tube biased. You can read my previous comments to have an idea of what it sounds like with single ended and Quicksilver amps. Driven with a good front end and source, there are really no flaws to mention. The Quicksilver combination is perfec IMO.