Zu OMEN - hmm

I might still be under the influence of the open baffle Spatial Hologram I heard at CAS14 earlier this month... wow! Top sound in my (and my friend's) book. Or the Magico S5 room (omg is that resolution level for real? you can hear the grass grow through those things).

I went to the Zu room as well - hoping to hear some well setup Zu speakers and learn about the right way to do it - but the sound was awful (sorry Sean) so I did not bother asking.

Yesterday I ran into a video advice on "setup tips with Seam Casey from Zu Audio". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCoKDfdxzDg

Bingo! Now I will learn how to make my Omens sing - from the man himself.

What did Sean Casey say in the video? To stop tweaking the bottom gap, tilt and toe-in, stop adjusting them, stop doing all this nonsense that gets old fast. Why? because they already sound good right out of the box, that's why. Spend my money on music instead.

Hmm - what if they actually DON'T sound good? Is there some advice for that case? What if, after the 3 years I had them, many SS and tube amps, days of gap adjustment, tilt adjustment, swap of few speaker cables including Zu Libtec, what if they still sound like an amplified live event through a pro speaker on a stadium? (Incidentally - all adjustments do make a difference, but mostly between dull and blare. I know, I'm probably too harsh, but that video got me really upset).

I hope that my recent listening to real speakers at CAS will soon wear off so that I can return to living with my Omens that "sound good right out of the box".

Or I might have to buy the Holograms. The tough part would be to convince my medium-size dogs to stay away from those beryllium transducers located so close to the ground. Maybe if I throw in the Omens to sweeten the deal? That should keep them busy for about 3 years?

Choices, choices.

Showing 7 responses by shakeydeal

For the record, the owner was using the 16 ohm tap on the amplifier, and the Soul is a true 16 ohm load.

Sorry to say, but I had a disappointing audition of Zu Soul Supremes last weekend. I was expecting much more.

"Thank you - it seems that changing speakers should make me happy."

I'm not sure you had to come here to find that out. But I'm glad you have been enlightened, nonetheless.....

It was a Line Magnetic 219IA. No slouch by any stretch of the imagination.....

I watched the video and it is hilarious on many levels.

From the first minutes, the lively room and echo is extremely obvious. That is a horrible room, so that should be addressed before going any further.

And Chuck certainly is Mr. Personality....


That does appear to be a problematic room. And I understand that circumstances prevail, but it would seem that you would have issues with any speaker.

Is there any other room in the house that would work? A basement that could be finished, spare bedroom, anything?

I briefly owned the Pendragons. They were very good speakers, especially for the $$. I wouldn't call them giant killers, but they did some things very well, and were always easy to listen to.
