Zu Druids - Two years after

Well 2-3 years after all the hype about these speakers have you kept them in your system or have you moved on. In hindsight were they speakers to keep for the long term or just another audio flash in the pan? What has been your experience with them over the long term and other speakers you have had or heard?
Guys, I hate to rain on your parade but Zu is not manufacturing subs at the present time.

Dealer disclaimer.
Your room is too small for a Method, which has two 15 inch woofers. I had the Mini-Method in a larger space than yours and it was plenty with two tens.
Anyone using the Druids for a combination of both music and HT? I'm a perspective buyer, and I wonder if the Druids (when paired with a low-power SET amp) will have the slam for HT? Of course, I'm going to pair the speakers with a proper sub. By slam, I'm not referring to LFE, since the sub will take care of that. I'm referring to action scenes, dialogue intelligibility, etc.
I've used them in my HT, with solid state. No problems, and they are very dynamic and detailed. I have no experience with the SET amps though, so can offer no real advice, other than calling Zu and asking them directly. They are a pretty straight forward group of guys, and will give you good suggestions.
I am running mine with a 300b set. I run a oppo dvd player into my preamp and play movies through the druids all the time. I would love the zu method for movies but these are pretty good just two channel with movies - as good as anything else I have had. As Ton1313 says - very dynamic speakers, plenty of detail, for me pretty good full range although bottom end is definately lite for movies.