Zu Druid & Definition Roundup

In separate threads about the Zu Druid V and Zu Definition 3 & 4 in this forum, several questions have been directed to me about the comparative merits of these models, supertweeter capacitors, and a variety of other variables. Rather than bury comments in those threads, I thought it better to start a new thread and focus any follow-up comments or questions in one place.

Over the past few weeks, I helped a new Definition 3 owner install and setup his speakers, after earlier having setup his loaner Def3s that had an earlier iteration of the supertweeter network. Additionally, I made a capacitor change on the high pass filter to the supertweeter on my own Definition 4 and Druid V speakers. For further perspective on this, I have lived with my Definition 4 speakers for the past 13 months, and my Druid Vs for the past three months. Prior to that, I have migrated through the Definition 1.5 > 2 > 4 upgrade path, and Druid “3.5” > 4 > 4-08 > 5 upgrade path in two discrete systems since 2005. Any search on Zu topics or my handle here will serve up plenty of commentary on Zu speakers, cables, suitable amplification and other related matters, so I am not going to attempt to repeat all of that here. But I am going to roll up a collection of observations in response to prior questions, that might help Zu owners understand the relative value of current options in the upper half of Zu’s range, as well as people who have never owned Zu but who are considering their speakers, to better grasp what they might gain.

Druid 3, 4, 5

My first Druids were a used purchase from a prior owner here in Los Angeles. It turns out they were one of the first 10 pairs of Druids made. They had been sent back to Zu in late 2004 to be upgraded to then-current configuration plus had full internal Ibis cabling. The first 10 Druids made had the Speakon connector for full B3 geometry from amp to drivers when using Zu cables (I did), along with parallel Cardas posts for connecting any other cable. When I bought this first pair of Druids, they were shipped to me from Zu, in what Sean called a configuration he approximated as “version 3.5.” That speaker hooked me on the holistic Zu sound, but it had a euphonic warmth and soft top end that was forgiving and not fully revealing. Nevertheless, that v3.5 Druid was addictive for its unity of behaviors, and much like the original Quad electrostatic its ample advantages made it easy to overlook its limitations. The v4 upgrade opened up the top end marginally and was welcome, but the Spring 2008 v4-08 upgrade to Druid was a big leap toward bringing Druid closer to the liveliness and open top end of Definition. Then Druid was taken out of the Zu line. I let the Essence aberration pass by. Sean got back on track sonically with Superfly but I preferred the Druid form factor so stuck with the dead-ended Druid 4-08 for my secondary system, all the time lobbying Zu – along with other Druid owners – to restore Druid in more modern form in their line.

We got exactly that in Druid V late last year. For 4-1/2 years, while Essence came and went, Superfly got the HO FRD and then Nano, Druid was static and falling behind. Version 4-08 still had some tone-density and focus that was sacrificed in Superfly in favor of that speaker’s livelier, burstier dynamics and somewhat more expansive scalar projection. Superfly also had a slightly more extended top end than Druid 4-08 so to most people it simply sounded more like a modern speaker should, than Druid 4-08. It also had a more complete Griewe implementation, for faster and more textured bass than Druid. Druid V addressed all that, and more. The more advanced multi-composite cabinet with integral full Griewe and the mechanical grounding of the thick aluminum plinth would have comprehensively improved Druid even if the old Druid drivers had been installed. But the advance of the Nano FRD and the Radian 850 in supertweeter use gave us a Druid form factor speaker that has the linearity and finesse of Definition, with the traditional focus, unity and tone density of Druid even more present and obvious than in any prior version. Druid V *is* the modern equivalent to the original Quad ESL, without the extreme beaming, the bass limitation, dynamic restriction and fragility. It just happens to deliver Quad-like unity and speed from dynamic drivers with much higher efficiency *and* power handling. Druid V is finally an uncompromised and uncompromising speaker that despite its price can be justifiably driven by the very highest quality amplification at many times the cost of the speaker, yet can put modest amps in their best light. Why would anyone drive Druid V with amplification that costs lots more than a pair of the speakers? Because the total design can leverage stellar amplification, and no other speaker today can duplicate the full combination of attributes that Druid V delivers. You can get even greater focus and unity, ironically, in Zu’s line from the ~$60,000 Dominance, with its radiused front baffle and three FRDs, but not with Druid’s lightness of mass, presence and drivability. No Magico at any price can deliver Druid’s pure unity of behaviors regardless of what you try to drive them with, and no Magico is as musically satisfying with such a wide range of amplifiers. Druid V laughs at the cacophonous disunity of a Wilson speaker. Druid V ridicules the dynamic choke points imposed on Focal speakers at the crossover points. In the same way that no one appreciative of the unity of the Quad ESL heard any musical value from the Infinity IRS or a Duntech Sovereign back in the day, a Druid V owner today can pretty much ignore the rest of the alleged “high-end” speaker market inflicting damage upon our hearing, with the exception of other Zu speakers.

Because of the newest Nano FRD’s ability to reproduce more musical scale than prior Druids, for the first time in version V, Druid is a credible HT2.0 speaker in addition to being a great 2ch music speaker. Also for the first time, Druid is now quite good for listening to a full orchestra, whereas earlier Druids fell short on scale for orchestral purposes. Druid V is the first “no-apologies” Druid. That’s not to say that Definition doesn’t have advantages for more money – it certainly does. But Druid V is now a true all-music, all-purpose speaker with no real musical limitations in practical domestic use, and if a lower linear limit of about 35Hz isn’t deep enough for you, there’s always Zu’s new subwoofers. It’s also extremely amplifier-friendly. And the Griewe implementation does a fabulous job of extracting solid, tuneful bass from low-damping-factor/rising-deep-bass-THD SET amplifiers. Druid V gets qualitatively better bass from 2a3, 45 and 300B SET amps than any unassisted (no powered sub) speaker I can think of.

Definition 1.5, 2, 3, 4

The 2004/5 era Definition 1.5 was a revelation in its day, for its combination of speed, transparency, resolution, scale, bombast and finesse while having very good unity behaviors and terrific amplifier friendliness. It was sharply different from the same-era Druid because of its extended top end, almost tilted a little bright, and for its impressive sub-bass foundation. It was a relatively big, bursty, lively speaker even driven by modest power. It also had two clear deficiencies: first the sub-bass array amp had no level control (later and quickly rectified for everyone after I pointed out the glaring omission upon receiving my speakers), and second, that v1.X Definition’s MDF cabinet “talked” at high SPLs, marring the clean and incisive sound with an overriding glare. In Definition 2, cabinet talk was dramatically reduced by introduction of the birch-ply cabinet structure, stronger baffle, more robust plinth and associated damping techniques. The voicing of the speaker also tilted somewhat darker but the net result was a Definition absent ringing and glare, cleaner at moderate SPLs and far less fatiguing at high playing volumes – even fair to say altogether unfatiguing. While Definition 4 introduced many simultaneous improvements, Definition 3 shows clearly how much cabinet talk was left in Def2’s “silent” cabinet. Def3 starts with a Def2 cabinet and gets additional bracing and damping during the upgrade and it is plainly apparent when you first fire up Def3s after being familiar with Def2, that sound emerges from cleaner, quieter noise plane in the newer speaker. Def3, while retaining Def2’s 4x10” sub-bass line array on a rear baffle, gains seriously-improved deep bass by virtue of replacement of the Def2 plate amp and level control with Def4’s D amp with parametric controls. The Dominance trickle-down Nano FRD gives Def3 a close facsimile of Def4 performance from lowest response up to 10kHz or so, but Def3 uses the older-generation Zu supertweeter, which cannot begin to match the beauty, finesse and spray of the Radian 850 supertweeter used in the upper range Zu speakers. Def3 sub-bass performance is not equal to Def4’s but it is surprisingly competitive. In the Zu FRD range of roughly 38Hz – 12kHz, Def3 is very close to Def4, separated by clear differences in cabinet construction and internal configuration that give Def4 advantage as should be the case. As you get above roughly 8kHz, where the Radian 850 in Def4 begins to slope in, the upper range of the FRD in Def4 through the Radian’s exclusive extension on the top are in absolutely every way contributive to an elevated sense of musical fidelity and realism.

Definition 3 would be a market-wrangling speaker not surpassed at 3 or 4X its price if Definition 4 did not exist. But it does. As good as the new sub-bass amp and parametric controls are for the older 4x10” line array on the back baffle of Def3, the 4x10” rear-firing cones can’t load the room as evenly and deliver the incisive unity of Def4’s downfiring 12” driver. As closely as Def3’s Nano FRDs match the same in Def4, the completely re-architected cabinet of Def4 allows the drivers to perform with greater neutrality and freedom from distracting resonance. And the Radian 850 sprays the loveliest and yet most objective harmonic content of any tweeter I can think of today. The combined effect of Def4’s improvements over the Def2/3 design make it a compelling upgrade worth every penny to anyone who can afford its price compared to Def3, and yet the bargain roots of rendering Def3s from donor Def2s yields a speaker that is astonishingly great for its sub-$10K price and is necessarily limited in the number that will be produced. Notwithstanding that Omen Def is probably the peak value point in a two-FRD Zu speaker, for true high-end applications, Def3 is the high-discretionary-income value point and Def4 above it is the luxury alternative that nevertheless has no non-essential waste in its composition or price.

Definition 3 or Druid V?

I get this question privately from time to time: “For less than $2K difference, Druid V or Def3?”

These two speakers suit different priorities. Ask yourself the following:

1/ What is your application? That is, do you use your speakers strictly for 2-ch music or is your system doing dual duty for 2ch music and HT2.0?
2/ How important is the bass region between 16Hz - 35Hz to you?
3/ What are you using for amplification?
4/ What is the size of the space you have to acoustically load, and how far you sit from your speakers.
5/ What are your music listening habits, and what are the 3 - 5 sonic attributes you most value to feel satisfied?

There’s not a straightforward answer to this question, without knowing the above, but it’s easy enough for anyone reading this to self-sort. Druid V will give you focus, tone density, top end finesse and beauty that Def3 can’t quite match; Def3 will give you spatial & dynamic scale, deep bass foundation, resolution and horizontal dispersion that Druid V can’t equal. Overlapping both are the speed, agility, transparency and shove of the Zu Nano FRD. So, having the honest self-awareness to know what satisfies you most if your finances force a choice, will yield a crisp answer. If you can’t live with the trade-off, that’s your signal to save, and save, for Definition 4s.

Supertweeter Network Capacitors

Recently, there has been a lot of new interest in capacitor upgrades for the supertweeter high pass filter in Zu speakers, particularly the Druid and Definition. I have not been able to listen to all the available and oft-discussed options. My Def2s and Druid Mk 4-08s had Mundorf Silver-in-Oil caps. I had my Definition 4s built with V-Cap CuTF as an upgrade over the Mundorf. My Druid Vs were built with Mundorf Silver-in-Oil. In January, at Sean Casey’s recommendation, I had Clarity caps installed in both Def4s and Druid Vs. My Duelund capacitors are back-ordered (well, Zu urgently needed my pair for a more demanding customer), so I await them. I have heard Duelunds in non-Zu speakers. There are a few things I can say about capacitors at this stage, with more comments to follow as I put more contenders head-to-head.

1/ Every capacitor brand, formulation and composition brings specific attributes and a sonic signature. None are perfect. Not even Duelunds. You tend to think that what is best in current experience is as good as it gets until you hear something better. I can understand why someone feels ecstatic allegiance to Duelund caps, while at the same time appreciating why someone else prefers V-Cap TFTF or CuTF or some other alternative to them. For example, Sean Casey takes the position that Clarity caps bring 85% of Duelund’s sound quality to Definition 4 and Druid 5, for less than 1/3rd the retail cost. Elsewhere on this forum, another poster relates a conversation wherein Sean said something similar about the Audyn True Copper caps (90% for 10%). I haven’t heard the Audyn capacitors so have no comment right now. I will say that if Clarity is close to Duelund results, then both are a clear improvement over Mundorf Silver-in-Oil. The Clarity cap is both revealing and exceedingly smooth. But the case for Clarity (and by extension Duelund if Sean’s assessment holds) isn’t a slam-dunk compared to V-Cap CuTF or TFTF. There’s such a thing as too-smooth. This is reminiscent of the same disagreement I have with advocates of “slow” voiced SET amplifiers compared to the quick and transparent Audion SET amps that are so unlike most other SET brands. Some listeners are strongly attracted to a too-smooth representation. A lot of instruments have some harshness and rough texture in their output. The Clarity sands a touch of this off, just like (but less than) the round-sound old-school SET amp voicings some listeners favor. The V-Cap has more snap & tooth in its sound, but it is also less forgiving. I’m still in trial with a decision about whether to stick with Clarity or return to V-Cap CuTF or TFTF – as well as Duelund – pending. No, don’t bother assuring me that I’m going to love Duelund caps. Just consider me open to being convinced, but also not assuming a priori I will be.

2/ All of these exotic film caps take time to settle in. Clarity sounds great fresh but then they put you through a few weeks of meandering performance. They seem to be sensitive to temperature during the infant hours of use. We’ve had an unusually cold December and January here in Los Angeles, and I don’t use much furnace heat (you northerners and east coasters should see what people in SoCal consider a “furnace…”). A day of 64 degrees in my house sets breaking-in Clarity caps back a couple of steps. A warm day with internal temps in the high 70s pushes them forward. Then they go through a period of sounding beautiful on simple music, but shut down with congestion and blur on complex music. And then they start being reborn again to reassert their original convincing impression, and more. You have to be patient with any change.

3/ The Radian 850 in supertweeter application in Druid V and above in Zu’s line is intrinsically smooth, articulate, detailed and lovely. Frankly every cap sounds great into it, with the worst and the best still within the realm of excellent. You’ll hear differences and likely develop clear preferences, but even the basic Mundorf Silver-in-Oil sounds fully credible and completely acceptable in the absence of hearing something better. But the advantage of upgrading the Clarity (or Audyn True Copper, I imagine) is unmistakably beneficial to Def3’s supertweeter, and any earlier Definition or other Zu speaker using it, is fairly dramatic insofar as you are paying attention to top end harmonic character and are influenced by it. Clarity really tames much of the comparative roughness in the pre-Radian Zu supertweeter, compared to all the stock cap choices put in those speakers. What I’m saying is, pick your cap for Def4 and Druid5, knock yourself out. Some will sound definitely better but all will sound very fine. But if you have a Zu speaker using the older supertweeter and have an appetite to give them a worthwhile refinement, get a Clarity cap network upgrade. The cost is very reasonable and the benefit is disproportionately large at the price.

4/ There may be a cheap sleeper in capacitors. I was discussing film cap upgrades with Bob Hovland a couple of weeks ago. He mentioned that his more recent research indicated that the material consistency of the dielectric in film capacitors (even thickness & density, absence of pinholes) is more influential to sound quality than specific materials themselves. He wasn’t suggesting that all more exotic capacitors might not deliver someone’s preferred sound, but he does believe an excellent sounding cap can be made from prosaic materials. SuperCaps has a relatively new family of “Robert Hovland Edition” film caps that are highly affordable. They are handmade in the US, comprised of non-exotic materials, highly inspected during build and sealed tightly. I got some samples from Bob to try in my tube-output DACs and the results exceeded my expectations by a wide margin. They are more than good enough to settle on, and are staying in the DAC (mhdt Havana Balanced). He is next very eager for me to try a pair of 1uF/1000v versions in my Zu high-pass networks. I don’t know what to expect relative to Mundorf, Clarity, Audyn, Duelund but it’s a trial too interesting to not undertake. I’ll post back results, perhaps after I can put Duelunds in the mix, too.

Enough for now. I’m happy to add comments if questions are posted. I am sure I will remember something I intended to write here, but forgot.


Showing 50 responses by spiritofmusic

Warrenh, please don't worry. You are NOT going to be disappointed with your Def4s, even if you haven't made a comparison to the Druid Vs. The lowest octave that the 4s provide should be decisive over the Vs, and I'm not convinced that Druid V plus a Submission sub will quite have the performance envelope of the Def4s.
IMHO, even deep bass conveys a stereo signal, so one sub obviously can't achieve this; and having a separate sub presents the problems of placement, whereas the integrated sub bass in the Def4s is taken care of. Druid V plus two Submissions would obviously take care of the stereo bass presentation, but placement issues would be even more complex in presenting a seamless soundstage, and cost would exceed the 4s alone.
So, Def4s have the edge I believe.
Thanks, Charles, your comments on the Duelund fills me with confidence ahead of the big installation. I don't think I have one audiophile grade album in my collection, but a real spectrum from awful to pretty impressive. If the Duelund is essentially neutral, just allowing more transparency into the treble I can't imagine it would do anything but enhance difficult recordings. Phil's experiences will of course be eagerly followed.
Warrenh, good that you're more relaxed. Cap upgrade, or no, you'll be amazed by the 4s. They take EVERYTHING good about the 2s, and just enhance the whole listening experience. A big part of my system has changed with new tt/arm, modded Zu 103 cart, balanced power and top class vibration control, so I can't categorically say what's made the most difference into maximising neutral, transparent and involving in my reconfigured system, but the 4s are as clear a window to fully demonstrate the changes upstream.
I'm with Srajan into the benefits of running a tube pre and SS power, my Hovland amps really sounding sweet and precise in equal proportion thru the 4s.
Just a note to Phil. You were kind enough to comment on my Straingauge/Zu 103 comparison thread some while ago, and showed some skepticism that the Paratrace stylus and White Sapphire cantilever upgrades to my Zu 103 by ESCCo in the UK would be beneficial. All I can say is that it's an absolutely amazing upgrade for the money (£280/$500). ALL the fantastic tonality of the stock Zu 103 is retained with a leap forward in detail retrieval, soundstaging and neutrality/transparency. Most vitally, a slight stridency in upper frequencies is replaced by a mild hint of smoothness which really allows extra levels of info to be revealed. This is not at all at the expense of excitement or involvement, it's an even more addictive cart than before. If you have a spare Zu 103, I really urge you to consider the mods.
I've been running a thread under the title 'ESCO stylus/cantilever upgrades to Zu 103 cart' on the analogue forum section, which lists my experiences further.
Warrenh, from what I gather it may not be for the total layman. The two FRDs and tweeter lens have to be carefully loosened, and apparently at this point it can be quite easy to drop the tweeter body since it weighs c.15lb!
Once disengaged, the old network is detached and the new installed. Apparently there isn't any welding, and then the whole shebang is fastened back in position.
The network is not just a cap, but also a couple of resistors at least. I'll be getting Simon the UK dealer to perform the tricky surgery, it's a a couple of hours' work, apparently.
I'm not too sure of these details, but I think they're correct. Get some help!
If I never hear another Wilson/Krell demo where I'm 'taught' what to hear in the spectrum band, I'll die a happy man.
I've always been amazed by the number of poor show reports given to Zu spkrs over the years. It seems the majority of reviewers crave the 'spotlit frequencies' kind of sound that Wison et al provide.
Charles, I'm going to go one stage further. We're apparently all agreed that a major aim of the high end is to get as close as possible to the fidelity of live music.
One thing I don't hear in live music is a delineation between low, mid and high frequencies: live music comes at you mainly as a wall of midrange, with lightning fast spikes into treble territory, and totally agile underpinning by bass frequencies with no overhang (I'm talking mainly about acoustic instruments here). The last thing listeners do when hearing live is go "what wonderful treble" or "how impressive is that bass", in effect it's a wall of mids (human voice range), topped and tailed, and fully integrated with, razor sharp transients into high and low frequencies.
And this in effect is what I believe Zu get closer to more than most: fantastic fidelity thru tone in that human voice range in the mids, with quite brilliant augmentation higher up with the aid of the Radian 850, and lower down with the sub bass.
So while Wilson, Magico, YG owners coo endlessly over their presentation being spotlit into frequency bands, those like us in the Zu camp really get the overall fidelity of music in a much more organic form.
Phil, my comment on the Zu 103's strident top end should have been amended to state just a hint of it. It was only apparent on very treble heavy material, or poor tipped up mastering.
I can honestly say that all the basic qualities of the Zu 103 are present and correct, just enhanced by a really transparent quality which is allowing a greater level of detail retrieval to occur. All the fantastic tonality of the stock Zu 103 is present, with an extra air of refinement. If it had turned out any different, I would have been mightily disappointed. Still recommend you give ESCCo a go if you have a Zu 103 knocking about, unused.
Phil, v.interesting discourse on supports. I suspect this in some situations will produce no discernable benefits, whereas in others may be a fruitful way to go.
In my system, until now, I've never had luck in affecting the sound of my system significant enough to make expenditure on pricey supports/racks worth the outlay (and I've tried a few top models inc. Grand Prix Audio etc.).
However, I tried a Symposium Isis Ultra rack, and it's been an eye (ear?) opener, really removing a whole layer of hash, enhancing the neutrality and transparency of the sound.
I'm currently running two Svelte platforms under each spkr, and it's providing a very pleasant opening up of sound from the Def4s.
My next step would be to place Rollerblock Jrs, 4 at each corner. These are modules with a ball bearing between 2 recessed magnetic cups, allowing a little lateral movement as the spkr vibrates, I suppose dissipating energy from the spkrs, and aiding decoupling between the spkr and the Svelte. Symopsium even recommend another set of Rollerblock Jrs between the Svelte platform and the floor to double up decoupling and vibration isolation from floorborne vibrations towards the spkr.
I have to say that the magnetic/ball bearing principle works a treat in the main rack, and suppose it could be even more dramatic with spkrs, since these surely are the biggest source of vibrations by far compared to other components, or the room itself.
Sticking for the time being with my tube/SS balance in Hovland HP200/Radia. There's so much transparency on offer thru the Def4s that I'm curious, but not driven, to hear Audion and Atmasphere. Unlike the slight dissatisfaction I experienced with the Hovlands thru my previous 2s, I really am happy with the synergy now.
But it does seem there is a strong emphasis with Zu owners to go down the SET/all tube route, so I guess I should investigate. Just glad we're all so happy with the effect the 4s are having on our systems.
Radian tweeter is really critical in the extra performance envelope of the Def4s/Druid Vs. For top quality, wouldn't look lower down in the range.
Re the Druid V/Submission v Def4/integrated sub bass, all I can say is that the Def4s have an amazingly nimble but powerful and extended bass performance, leaving you wanting for nothing. I really maintain a fair amount of spatial cues are encoded deep in the lower frequencies, and I'm sure they're stereo as well. Whether one can really seamlessly integrate 2x Submissions with a pair of DruidVs is an issue the integrated sub bass of the Def4s doesn't have to face.
Gsm, you might be interested to know, but the pair reviewed in the Audio Beat review are the ones proudly sitting in my apartment now. So glad that Roy Gregory liked them. Agreed with 99% of his comments, but parted company where he describes a hint of harmonic leaness. In fact the one thing I believe the Def4s could never be accused of, is this attribute. Zu's tone density remains supreme, full tone but not at the expense of dynamics/agility.
Is there a problem with the A'gon spkr section? A thread for Polk fom earlier in month seems to be locked/frozen at top of listing.
That's a big shame, Warrenh. I wonder if all potential customers are having a protracted wait?
Warrenh, your new car can wait. It can only take you from A to B on the road; the Def4s will take you to a whole new destination. I've just had a pro classical musician (violinist) listen to my system, and he LOVED the tone of the sound produced, rating it very close to the real thing. Got to love those FRDs with no pesky XOver to spoil the show!
Your Def1.5s are no slouches, so the wait should be as painless as poss.
Remember, "Good things come to those who wait".
Warrenh, it's not like you to sound so sanguine. You're normally one of the most enthusiastic contributors here. I have to say my dealings with Sean, Christian et al have always been friendly and business like, so maybe give them the benefit of the doubt. I hope you get your wish soon.
Hi Morganc. I'm running my Def4s from a Hovland tube pre/SS pow combination, and am v. happy with the results, although I am tempted to at least audition SET power, viz. Audion Black Shadow, that Phil recommends.
Can you be a bit more specific as to what his system excels at, and how it synergises with the Def4s?
Phil, I see that both Sean and Christian of Zu have their Audion Black Shadow SETs for sale via Ebay, Zu moving over to SIT power amps. What are your thoughts on this, it seems strange timing that BOTH of them would be passing along their Audions?
I am. But on sending confirmation offering demo, I've heard nothing. Please resend or check with your man if he received it.
Warrenh, good news. Hope your wife agrees! Good that you're calling in some favours getting help uncrating them. Make sure you have something you can stand them on, piece of plywood etc, since you'll be adjusting their position for a while before you settle on their final position - they're MUCH more fussy of placement than my previous 2s - and the Al plinth/spikes are a devil to deal with.
Re settings, I have XO at 38Hz, volume at 5, phase at 0, but for the life of me can't detect any difference whatever settings I leave the two PEQ controls at. Is this what I would expect?
Phil, your answers are as informative as ever. Like you I have settled on xover at 38Hz, volume at 5. But for the life of me, in my situation, I am detecting no difference at all varying the settings re PEQ gain/PEQ frequency/phase. My room is pretty large, a converted warehouse loft, 27' wide x 22' deep x 13' high - I listen to half of the 27' width, 12' from spkrs which are 9' apart, 4' from wall behind, my position 4' from wall behind me. I mention these dimensions since they may be relevant in my inability to discern PEQ/phase effects.
Phil, re reading your post, I've slightly rushed to judgement. Your thoughts on picking a small list of familiar bass orientated cuts makes sense, and systematically make small alterations, then go to the next adjustment.
Interestingly, when I sent my room dimensions to Clayton Shaw of Spatial Computer from who I bought his Black Hole Anti Bass Wave Generator, he calculated a likely bass node/standing wave at 27.1 Hz, and his unit has really helped integration of bass in my room initially with my Def2s and now 4s. I have been toying with adding a second since the room volume certainly would support it, and further smoothing of bass anomalies could very well result. I would say to anyone out there that have bass integration issues with any spkr but esp. the Defs (topic of this thread), to check this device out. It really performs, and Clayton is a great guy to deal with.
So Phil, if the Black Hole is doing it's job, might that be the reason the two PEQ and Phase controls seem surplus to requirements in my room?
Thanks Gsm, I'm sure power won't be an issue with either SET. My NAT dealer feels the SE2SE may have more rhythmic drive than a lower powered SET. We'll see.
Thoughts on the heat from big tubes, and the practicalities of this?
Warrenh, when I was running my Def2s from 2007, I was bowled over by their immediacy and purity of tone, but could never really dial the four sub bass drivers, hence bass overhang always dominated the sound. I saw a reference to a company called Spatial Computer, and their Anti Bass Wave Generator device, that Sean had used at early show demos of the 4s. It's a one cubic foot subwoofer type device, with a mic connected and some DSP. It's placed behind the listener close to a wall. As music plays, the unit analyses bass frequencies, pumps out opposing low frequency output, and this causes a cancellation of nodes/standing waves in the room. Amazingly, it really works. Besides smoothing out bass response, it improves soundstaging and transparency, and low level detail retrieval. And SO much less obtrusive than plastering the room with panels and diffusors, and SO much less expensive at $1250, than spending a second mortgage on creating a dedicated room.
If you check their website, you'll find their MD Clayton Shaw is one of the good guys in audio/engineering, having amazing solutions for computer audio etc. Anyone having probs integrating their spkrs re room/bass should seriously consider this product.
In last couple of years, I've invested in interesting system wide upgrades, which have really improved holistically the listening experience, and provided a platform to get the most out of the 4s. This has been in sequence: balanced power transformer, Black Hole, and in last month an Entreq Tellus solution to provide clean earth. These three items have provided the equivalent of a major amp upgrade, at a fraction of the cost, importantly enhancing and maximising the sound of the system, but not changing it's basic nature. Quite a trick.
Warrenh, you are going to be one happy camper. I have to say even with the 4s more controllable bass, I'm still glad I have the Black Hole to help with those pesky nodes/standing waves.
Phil, totally out of most of our price brackets, but I have been drooling over some uber tube based amps, viz, the Ypsilon SET 100 pre/pow, and Robert Koda Takumi K10 pre/pow. They seem to be the real deal for 'so real you can touch it' reality from the current high end. Do you have any experience listening to these?
Charles, yes the Koda is ss pre and tube pow, Ypsilon is both tube and hybrid pow and tube pre. From what I gather, they are fantastic hand crafted exotica with prices to match (£65000+ the Koda combo/$100000+ the Ypsilon combo). The Koda in particular is going down a storm in the Far East. I love their fanatical attention to detail, and would be curious if anyone ever could audition them with Zus. The Dominance would seem to be an ideal match.
Does this extra level of finesse take the sound of silence (they're both feted for utter transparency) to a level of performance beyond Audion/Atmasphere etc? With their prices, I would certainly hope so.
Sorry Warrenh. I'm not a physicist or acoustics expert, so if any others can contribute a better explanation, please do.
Bass frequencies set up excitatory points in a listening space. As they reflect off the room walls, they meet other bass waves. How these opposing waves cancel themselves either results in good integration, or the concentration of bass energy at particular points and hence particular frequencies. If a certain frequency is reinforced in a particular point, this will result in a dominance of bass energy over the whole soundstage, and a subjective slowness/smearing of the presentation.
This is more an issue the deeper a spkr reproduces bass. With the 4s going down to 16Hz, there is a hell of a lot of bass energy in the room, and in the worst case scenario, could play havok with energy levels and these excitatory waves.
The 4s' PEQ adjustments should tailor bass output to compensate for these points, but I find the Black Hole, by actively managing bass energy in the room, takes the control of waves/nodes/humps a good stage further.
This is ALL room dependent. My 2s were impossible to manage re standing waves, but the Black Hole tamed these, and is enhancing the 4s too.
Hi Phil, as usual you've hit the nail on the head. On an answer in the 'systems' section that I posted to the owner of a $500k+ system challenging the uber inflated prices of spkrs with no real claim to engineering prowess or originality, I was told to stop moaning, high prices are here to stay, you don't have to buy it if you don't want to etc etc. I can only think he's had enough of price based criticisms of his system to end up being defensive about the whole subject. I've just had some upgrades made and the dealer, a very affable fellow, said there is no shortage of 'must have' rich audiophiles who are prepared to shell out. So that's now the market for top Magicos/Evolution Acoustics/Kharmas/Tidals etc, and all those really unremarkable spkrs you see at shows with prices north of $100k. Kudos to Sean for packing so much in to a domestic package and keeping it real price wise.
I mused on Koda and Ypsilon since they have a certain combination of engineering and acoustic presentation characteristics from what little I've read that might synergise well with Zu, and Dominance price would be commensurate with such amps.
Phil, could you help me with a little resume of a topic we recently discussed. I've got a chance to hear the Soundsmith Straingauge at the end of the month with a most friendly and professional dealer. I've been really happy with the Zu 103 esp. the ESCCo stylus/cantilever mods made (I know, Phil, I know, but I find it really opens up the Zu 103 sound and is more dynamic, transparent and smoother into the higher frequencies), and I'm not convinced to make the jump to pricier MCs, Lyras etc. But the S'gauge is really piqueing my interest since I know it shares certain characteristics of Deccas, very alive and dynamic, but tracks a whole lot better. Can you please detail your experience with the S'gauge and highlight where you feel it possible falls down in comparison to the Zu 103?
Since you're looking at phono options, this obviously means the S'gauge is not on the radar for your system?
Mr G.Boxers, I am most interested too in your amp shootout. I'm afraid in the UK there is no Coincident representation, but my Zu dealer represents Atmasphere, and highly recommends them for the 4s. And near to London is the official dealer for Audion, with Black Shadows and Golden Dreams available to demo.
Currently happy with my Hovlands, but the temptation to hear what alternatives have to offer is v.high indeed!
I was really amazed by the Nat SET's subterranean bass, which with a clear as glass midrange, really allowed the music to be grounded and soar at the same time. My only caveat was what I perceived to be a slight reticence in the treble.
This I found a little confusing since reviews on the Straingauge have highlighted possible stridency in the higher frequencies. My general inexperience with SET sound leaves me a little unsure if this was a cart, SET or total spkr-system synergy issue. But it was only a hint, and I was truly bowled over by the total lack of glare, grain and greyness which my Hovland Radia, good as it is, in comparison shows itself to be prone to.
The Nat's build quality seems bulletproof. Ken Kessler in particular is taken by the sound of the Nat Transmitter, which uses a massive tetrode to provide 120W/ch.
Phil, my new tt/arm is proving to be so sensitive to setup in terms of level/vta/azimuth, that it's taken me ages to dial in my spare Zu 103 (demolished the cantilever of my main cart, clumsy boy!). But as I approach optimum, it reminds me so much why I love it, and why the Straingauge is going to have to convince me categorically that it's a major step beyond. Moderate improvement, or at the same level but different, won't cut it. Remember, I've ditched my 4x pricier Transfiguration Orpheus for the ESCCo modded Zu 103. From what I gather, Sean voiced the Def4s specifically against the Zu 103, so there is a great synergy going on.
I know you're skeptical that the ESCCo stylus/cantilever mods maintain the core 103 sound, but I can assure you they do. In my humble opinion the mods take everything good about the stock Zu 103 and improve almost every parameter, esp. detail retrieval, transparency, dynamics and top to bottom consistency. For the sake of c$500-600, if you have a spare Zu 103 knocking about, I'd really recommend you take a punt and prepare to be suprised.
If I stick by the Zu 103, this will free cash for what may be my final phono stage upgrade, and after careful consideration I'm going to plump for the Tom Evans Audio Design Mastergroove. The only dilemma is whether to save a little more and substitute phono upgrade for SET/OTL power amp choices. However I still maintain my Hovland combination really works well with the 4s, whereas my current phono has plenty of scope for improvement.
At present most interested in the OTL synergy with the 4s, esp GBoxers experiences with Atmasphere. My Zu dealer has great things to say esp. with the S30 powering the 4s. Allowing for his dealer bias, he's heard the 4s powered by Audion at Phil's place, and still feels Atmasphere has the edge, esp. in terms of drive and dynamics. We shall see.
My Hovland amps have such a great liquidity and general lack of character, that any OTL or SET alternatives would have to be a significant step up for me to relinqish them. But I would be intrigued to see/hear.
Do love esp. the industrial design ethic of the Atmasphere Novachron, anyone heard them specifically?
About to write a new thread on the Entreq Silver Tellus. It's a passive ie non powered box, with a single i/c to a spare preamp input and purports to provide a clean earth/grounding point to drain rf/emi/other mains borne noise from the system. Does it work? WOW, yes it does! It's transformed things, deepening soundstage, and increasing transparency and dynamics, with fantastic side benefits like lowering perception of surface noise from vinyl. All I can say is that noise is the major limiting factor in my system, and I suspect many other peoples'. Together with balanced power and bass node attenuation, my system has taken a quantum leap upwards, with the fantastic benefit that it's basic nature is unchanged (components' performance enhanced, not altered).
Will post thoughts in next day or so in 'cables' section under 'Entreq Silver Tellus' heading.
Thank you Jordan, that's put an interesting perspective on things. As it stands, I've been running my Hovland tube pre/SS power for 8 years, and no other SS alternatives make me want for more. They have a real liquid ease to playing music, naturally dynamic and transparent, a very neutral combination.
I'm curious to hear what all tubes can bring to the party, and in terms of representation in the UK, the choice at this level of expertise is Atmasphere and Dave Berning on the OTL path, and Audion re SET.
All in due course.
Phil, maybe I'm mistaken, but it was my impression from Sean the Zu rep in the UK had been to your home, and had a very detailed listen to the Def4s powered by the Black Shadows. Apologies to all if I'm mistaken.
About to order the Duelund VSF Black cap network upgrade for my 4s.
Phil, just had a v. interesting experience. Really sold on the Straingauge at demo a few days ago, feel it does go beyond the Zu 103 in a number of important ways, esp. 3d imaging, sense of space, and bass drive. But the Zu 103 not embarrassed in comparison. Just sounds a little rough around the edges.
Most interestingly, the dealer was running Nat SET power amps, and a Nat Symmetrical tube pre, from Serbia of all places. The SETs were 60W/channel, and 130lb EACH chassis in weight! Mostly down to take no prisoners transformers.
I have to say it was a very interesting experience listening to these SETs. There was a definite leap forward in tangibility of the sound, a greater density and yet airier presentation, which was really attractive. Going back to my Hovland SS power amp, while still really listenable, demonstrates a sort of bottle neck in presentation, grainier and edgier. The SETS definitely flowed. And that was with standard lower sensitivity, xovered spkrs. I'm sure these positive attributes would be enhanced further with the 4s in place.
A real learning experience. This dealer is really enthusiastic for the Nat's, feeling their beefier transformers give them the edge over the Audion Black Shadows. If I develop a good relationship with him re Straingauge purchase, I'll be v. tempted to investigate Nat SETs further.
Wrm, yes, the SE1s from NAT at 30W/ch would seem to be a good match with the Def4s wrt power - Phil rates the Audion Black Shadows, and they're around the same rating. The NAT dealer in the UK however feels the SE1 SE GM70s would be a better fit still, and I have to say the demo with them was a bit of a revelation.
I'm struggling to get a home demo for the Audions, and this may swing my decision to the NATs since the dealer is facilitating a home demo for the Straingauge too.
God, this high end audio addiction is worse than a hard drug habit!!!
Apologies, boys, I read 'bridged' for 'parallel'. The NAT dealer says that the 70W/ch GM 70 would have superior bass drive and power/dynamics than the 30W/ch SE1 which would have slightly more transparency, and hence rates it as superior over wider range of music. Maybe similar to the comparison btwn the punchier Audion Black Shadows v more delicate Golden Dreams.
Have to say I'm really noticing the grain with my SS amp in comparison.
Aiming for NAT v Audion shootout, prob early July. Intrigued by the result of this one.
Jordan , my friend will love that. He commented on vocals being a lot more upfront at mine than he's used to on his all-Rega system, a function of transparency and timing issues in my rig. But he literally, sat fwd in his seat when claiming he was missing the solidity of voices he's more used to.
He LOVES my system otherwise, and SETs may really complete the spell for him. And me, I hope, since I'll be opening my chequebook for them!
Hi, just installed the Soundsmith Straingauge cart, and it has an amazing synergy with the Def4s. In particular it has the most blinding speed and transients, better than any other cart I've listened to, which perfectly complements the wide open transparency of the Zu NanoTec FRDs. A match made in Analog Heaven, I'm happy to relegate my Zu 103 back to it's box.
Wrm, I'm using the base level SG200 energiser into my existing tube preamp. I was expecting possibly a hyper detailed but tipped up sound. In fact, all the detail was there that had been missing on the Zu 103, but with a really beguilingly sweet presentation, possibly the most dimensional sound I've yet achieved from analogue. Really feel the two transducers in my system (S'gauge cart and Zu spkrs) really work well together.
This cart is amazing and really allows analog to breathe thru the Def4s. It's lightning fast, like the Decca London Reference, but with none of that cart's tipped up 'whiteness'. And it balances blazing dynamics with a real natural sweetness (not to be convinced with typical Linn Sondek LP12-like analog euphonic warmth), very much like the Lyra Parnassus. Additionally, neutrality is like the Transfiguration Orpheus, and full on involvement like the ESCCo-modded Zu Denon 103.
Most impressively, it takes all that's great about digital (lower noise floor, and lack of stylus tracking artifacts), and hightens everything great about analog (better micro and macro dynamics, more realistic tone etc), to present a presentation greater than either, IMHO.
The sheer power, transparency and dynamics of the Def4s are really coming to the fore with this cart at the end of my analog rig.
Correction: ...natural sweetness (not to be CONFUSED with typical Linn Sondek LP12-like analog euphonic warmth)...
Fascinating that the Straingauge is so artifact-free that the lack of graininess I thought I noticed in listening to the SG thru Nat SETs may be more a function of eliminating the Zu 103.
Will be auditioning the Nat SETs and Audion Black Shadows in the next few weeks, and will try and get a handle on graininess in presentation, and whether there really is an improvement going from SS to SET.
For the time being the SG thru the Hovlands into the Def4s is w/out doubt the best analog I've heard, bar none.
Just ordered the Duelund VSF Black Cu cap upgrade network for the 4s. Will post impressions when installed.
Warrenh, long time no post. How are your initial impressions now you've had the 4s for a while?
Def4 users, can you post your setup arrangements? I've currently been sitting c.13 feet from the spkrs, with them 9.5 feet apart FRD centre-centre. A friend who hasn't heard them before loved the sound but commented on the soundstage being a little diffuse.
We proceeded to sit closer by a couple of feet, and in his opinion, focus snapped into place. I had to agree. So, settling on 9.5 feet apart, and 11 feet away, a little closer to the ideal equilateral triangle.
My further experiments are going to involve varying toe in.
So, how are you all setting your 4s up?
Just auditioned the NAT Se2SE 70W/ch SET amps using 211's, thru NAT's Utopia tube preamp.
Wow, what can I say, I get the SET thing now. The sound is certainly focussed on earthier aspects of music reproduction, but not at the expense of mids or treble.
Eg, I listened to an acoustic single guitar track, which thru my Hovlands always had great transient attack re the trebly twanginess of the strings.
NOW, I'm hearing all the wood of the guitar, giving a really rounded warmth to the sound. But this foundation is liberating the frequencies further up.
Additionally, design and engineering really inspire confidence.
Will post further thoughts over time.
My Duelund VSF Black cap network arrives imminently, will fit in the 4s in due course. V intrigued by what it potentially promises.
My Straingauge cart is really singing thru the 4s, and obviating the desire to go to SETs. Tbh, I'm going to struggle with the heat generated. I love the sound, but in my space anyhow, it's not as much a slam dunk over my Hovlands that I was expecting. But I'm going to give the trial a while longer, to be really sure.
A q to Phil, Charles and all the other SET fans with special reference to the 4s.
I'm going to have a final 2 week trial with SETs, first the Audion Black Shadows with the Audion line stage, my own Hovland tube pre, and maybe a Silvercore tvc pre, and in the 2nd week, an all-NAT chain of Utopia tube pre, and SE2SE SET monoblocks.
My experience with Hovlands and the 4s is a great synergy, but some leaness in the mids/midbass, leading to a slightly reedy quality to vocals. This is only a hint, I can easily live with it.
My experience with the NATs was a tilting down in the tonal balance, emphasing a really 'earthy' quality, but with more treble info than my apparently more tilted-up Hovlands.
This apparent contradiction I found not at all negative, but nonetheless noticeable.
Can an amp be more earthy, bass orientated, and still present more treble info?
The Audions I have no idea how will compare, but really looking fwd. Will this earth/bass balance likely be repeated also?
Perspectives on these matters please.