Zero Negative Feedback Amps with High Power

I am interested in getting "feedback" (heh) from posters here on high-powered zero negative feedback amps. Three hybrid tube/ss models that come to mind are the Monarchy SE 160 & 250 or the Butler TDB 2250.

What's your general opinion on zero feedback amps? Is there an appreciable different in sound quality?

Care to comment on high powered hybrid tube amps? Or the models I list above? Are there other alternatives out there that I should consider if I want to go down this route?

Info about myself, to be helpful: I only have experience with negative feedback ss amps, fyi, and run low-sensitivity speakers (Maggies). I listen to classical music mostly and really prize tonal balance and weight rather than things like sound stage or bass impact.

Showing 1 response by ngjockey

Don't know about Butler but if you read the fine print for Monarchy, it's "no global negative feedback" at the bottom of some page. At least it was for the SE-100.