Zeppelin on vinyl

I just noticed that Acoustic Sounds is listing all the Led Zeppelin reissues by Classic Records as "limited stock." Anyone know what's up? I assume that they are going out of print. Shall I assume further that they are to be replaced by something newer, better, more expensive? Thanks.

Showing 6 responses by nrostov


What exactly was wrong with the Classic records releases? They sound awesome to me(especially the first three).

Let me ask you this. I feel that the ones after that don't sound as good because of Jimmy Page's production. I back this up with one of the biography's I read about the band. I read how Jimmy just went over and over the albums and kept redoing things. I think he ruined the mixes on some of the albums especially Led Zepplin IV. What do you think?

I like all of them I just think the first three are the best because they are not over produced. Like you said live and raw sounding.
I'm sorry I beg do differ. Zep $ is way over-produced. One of my biggest complaints is that Jimmy's guitar solo's sound like they were recorded in a toilet bowl.

Also, Houses of the Holy weak!!! Wow, that's one of the best Zep albums. It showed that the band wasn't willing to sit on their laurels but instead continued to be creative. The roots of physical graffitti can be found in houses of the holy. And by the way The Ocean with it's rampant time signatures and key changes is a weak song? Gimme a break. The fact that they pulled that song off with all of those factors shows their musical prowess not their lack of.