Your Worst WAF Incident

OK Gents, fess up –

What has been your worst transgression of the mysterious WAF code? I'll begin, throwing myself on the mercy of the court:

Three days ago was the Thanksgiving Holiday. My wife prepared a beautiful, traditional meal including fresh roasted turkey, stuffing, gravy, etc. It took hours and we could have fed an army. After the meal, the fridge was packed with delicious leftovers which we enjoy for days afterwards. It's our favorite holiday and we really stretch it out nicely.

On holidays, I like to listen to my music and of course, this entails temporarily converting the living room into a Man-cave and doing whatever I can for the best sound – you know, moving the speakers away from the wall, moving the comfy chair into the sweetspot, using pillows to diffuse and dampen reflections, etc.

So, about 24 hours after the feast, I went to the fridge to get the ingredients for my famous turkey sandwich... but something didn't smell good in there. That's right, can you say "Man-cave dismantling checklist?"

Someone forgot to turn the noisy fridge back on. My wife worked for hours preparing the meal and organizing the leftovers, and Mr. Audiophile here ruins days worth of great food and effort with the flip of a switch... or should I say, lack thereof.

I watched uncomfortably as she emptied the contents of a warm fridge into the trash. Ouch.

OK, is your violation of the WAF code as bad? Please share your worst transgression – don't leave me alone out here!
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Showing 1 response by davehrab

I’ll see Your “refrigerator” and raise you a “hot water heater” ... I like you seem to enjoy the benefits of unplugging the refrigerator ... also micro wave and various other appliances with switching power supplies that create DC offset that pollutes the electrical circuits

Noise on the 3rd wire safety can also infect your system as all the neutrals (including your dedicated audio run) are bonded together in the main panel box and then the neutrals and all the 3rd wire safety’s are tied together in the main panel box before being routed to the House Ground rod just outside your service entrance

That is where the cross coupling can take place and the noise is then picked up by your dedicated line’s neutral that is bonded to the rest of the noisy neutrals from the through out the rest of the house at the neutral BUS Bar in main panel ... once coupled to your dedicated line the noise will be passed back to all your equipment's power supplies and finally gets injected back into your equipment's sensitive digital and analog circuits

It takes 3 things for noise to propagate ... (1) a source generating the noise (2) a conduit for the noise to travel along to destination and (3) a receiver (your equipment) to capture and reproduce the noise ... eliminate any one element in the chain ( source ..conduit..or receiver ) and the noise goes away

Neither dedicated lines or moving noisy appliances to opposite phase in panel box is totally effective at removing all the noise present and the power conditioner I’ve tried were only partially successful

Not only am I the only resident on the Transformer at the pole on the street but get 121V to 123Volts all day all year around ...

I’ve tried Tice Power Block and Titan ... AP 116 Applied Power ... early Bybee rare earth ... complete array of MIT stuff and a Exact Power EP15 ... none were totally effective and it seemed unplugging noisy appliances was just as beneficial

I do my critically listening on Sunday afternoons when wife visits grand kids and the power on the grid is much better due to local industry being shut down

I still find it advantageous for sound quality to unplug noisy appliances and have been doing so for years

I’ve gotten away with forgetting to plug refrigerator back in numerous time with only the loss of some ice bream but the one she’ll never forgive me for was when on a Sunday I unplugged hot water heater and forgot to plug back in and on Monday she had to take ice cold shower before work

I remedied the situation with a nice piece of jewelry from Ebay ... a “Mood Ring” that works very well

When she is in a good mood the ring glows a brilliant emerald green ... and when she is in a bad mood it leaves a red mark in the middle of my fore head