Your vote for greatest (covers) album

Mine is Annie Lennox "Nostalgia". Not only is she one of the greatest female voices ever, she knows how to make a song her own. 


Showing 2 responses by cd318

Bowie’s 1973 Pin Ups must be worth a mention.

Always liked his version of ’Sorrow’.

Sid Vicious’ 1979 Sid Sings is a fun live album.


"Sid Vicious’ 1979 Sid Sings is a fun live album."
I have not heard that album, but Sid Vicious in My Way is the top.

You'll like it if you're a fan of the Stooges, New York Dolls, Ramones etc. Probably my favourite live album even if I don't play it very often.

Punk was not the entirely British invention that we thought it was - as we later found out. Its musical roots were firmly in the US/New York scene but we hadn't heard those bands. No one played them here back then.

At the time it was quite shocking. Quite a few years passed before the academics got their teeth stuck in and analysed it to death and the MSM could breathe again.